Andrzej on Software

Andrzej Krzywda from Arkency talking about all things software, including but not limited to Ruby, JS, OOP, DDD, CQRS, AI, business, sales, marketing


Odcinki od najnowszych:

Integration tests or unit tests in the architecture context
2017-02-01 01:31:44

Integration tests bring more value if you're planning a bigger architecture refactoring. However, if you're mostly happy with the architecture, then unit tests will give you more benefits.
Integration tests bring more value if you're planning a bigger architecture refactoring. However, if you're mostly happy with the architecture, then unit tests will give you more benefits.

Immutable code
2017-01-31 14:24:24

When is a good moment not to change an existing code but instead write a new module/class and replace it, in the spirit of immutability?
When is a good moment not to change an existing code but instead write a new module/class and replace it, in the spirit of immutability?

How can we learn the domain we're implementing?
2017-01-30 19:03:18

Often developers are waiting for the mythical Domain Expert to ask questions. What if most of the questions can be answered by google?
Often developers are waiting for the mythical Domain Expert to ask questions. What if most of the questions can be answered by google?

Estimates - calendar-based or cost-based?
2017-01-30 12:39:12

We're often asked for estimates, but the business is not always specific what is the actual need. Do they care about the calendar deadline or do they care about the budget now?
We're often asked for estimates, but the business is not always specific what is the actual need. Do they care about the calendar deadline or do they care about the budget now?

How to choose the PM tool for developers and project managers?
2017-01-29 18:55:41

We try to find the perfect tool which would fit both, the developers and the project managers? What if this is a non-perfect approach? What if we go with two different tools?
We try to find the perfect tool which would fit both, the developers and the project managers? What if this is a non-perfect approach? What if we go with two different tools?

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