Małgosia Klonowska Podcast

Małgosia Klonowska Podcast

to przestrzeń w której dowiesz się na temat:

⭐ Praw wszechświata
⭐ Rozwoju biznesu w zgodzie ze sobą
⭐ Budowania marki - To Ty jesteś Niszą
⭐ Bądź magnesem na klientów
⭐ Pokonywania blokad w budowaniu biznesu
⭐ Rozwoju osobistego i duchowego
⭐ Głos intuicji prywatnie i biznesowo
⭐ Mindset to 95% sukcesu
⭐ Strategi biznesowych, które działają

Znajdziesz tutaj wiele cennych wskazówek i podpowiedzi jak budować własną firmę, zmienić sposób myślenia i osiągnąć swoje cele oraz jak żyć w zgodzie z w zgodzie z intuicją i prawami wszechświata

Odcinki od najnowszych:

#046 O zmianach w życiu z Bożeną Sarek.
2021-03-24 02:00:00

#046 O zmianach w życiu z Bożeną Sarek. Bozena Sarek , Wlasciciel salonów Fryzjerskich, Kilkakrotny zwycięzca Międzynarodowych konkursów Fryzjerskich, Edukator Fryzjerstwa , Międzynarodowy Ambasador Zen Luxury Hairextensions.

#046 O zmianach w życiu z Bożeną Sarek.

Bozena Sarek , Wlasciciel salonów Fryzjerskich,

Kilkakrotny zwycięzca Międzynarodowych konkursów Fryzjerskich, Edukator Fryzjerstwa , Międzynarodowy Ambasador Zen Luxury Hairextensions.

#045 On running two businesses and being a mom to two boys with Phoebe Mcvey
2021-03-10 02:00:00

#045 On running two businesses and being a mom to two boys with Phoebe Mcvey Phoebe Mcvey - owner of gorgeous locks and Gym Goddess fitness line

#045 On running two businesses and being a mom to two boys with Phoebe Mcvey

Phoebe Mcvey - owner of gorgeous locks and Gym Goddess fitness line

#044 Seeing positive in every situation with Monika Mazur
2021-03-03 02:00:00

#44 Seeing positive in  every situation with Monika Mazur Monika is a Polish American woman who’s committed to empowering people through fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching. She wants you to see your greatness and she wants to to have it all. Monika’s ways could be described as touch love” but in reality it’s her commitment to you and your success! _____

#44 Seeing positive in  every situation with Monika Mazur

Monika is a Polish American woman who’s committed to empowering people through fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching.

She wants you to see your greatness and she wants to to have it all.

Monika’s ways could be described as touch love” but in reality it’s her commitment to you and your success!


#043 Slowing down and doing one thing at the time with Lisa Regan
2021-02-24 02:00:00

#043 Slowing down and doing one thing at the time with Lisa Regan Lisa Regan is the MD of Niche Public Relations Firm Lisa Regan Public Relations and the Creative Director of She believes that  Communication is key to everything in life. If you don't ask for what you need and want, then how can you get it? How will you tell your story?Build your brand. Tell your story through a narrative that people understand and want to get to know more.. Public Relations is about people, language and the telling of The Why. The Why of Drive, Passion, Ambition,. Engage with people across digital platforms Talk in real time Connect through radio and TV Explore through print

#043 Slowing down and doing one thing at the time with Lisa Regan

Lisa Regan is the MD of Niche Public Relations Firm Lisa Regan Public Relations and the Creative Director of

She believes that Communication is key to everything in life. If you don't ask for what you need and want, then how can you get it?

How will you tell your story?Build your brand.

Tell your story through a narrative that people understand and want to get to know more..

Public Relations is about people, language and the telling of The Why.
The Why of Drive, Passion, Ambition,.
Engage with people across digital platforms
Talk in real time
Connect through radio and TV
Explore through print

#042 Overcoming addictions with a simple tip from Ania Makowska
2021-02-17 02:00:00

#042 Overcoming addictions with a simple tip from Ania Makowska Ania  is a passionate expert in human performance and success and mindset coach. Ania love helping people getting results they want by changing their thinking and giving them tools that assist them in the process of becoming more confident and unleash their potential. Ania has over 6 years experience in the well-being industry, she is certificated Life Coach, Bob Proctor Consultant and owner of a fitness studio. Ania works with an ambitious man and women that know there is more in life for them. She helps them to find the root cause of their unwanted current results and she guides them in their journey of becoming the best version of themselves.

#042 Overcoming addictions with a simple tip from Ania Makowska

Ania is a passionate expert in human performance and success and mindset coach.

Ania love helping people getting results they want by changing their thinking and giving them tools that assist them in the process of becoming more confident and unleash their potential.

Ania has over 6 years experience in the well-being industry, she is certificated Life Coach, Bob Proctor Consultant and owner of a fitness studio.

Ania works with an ambitious man and women that know there is more in life for them. She helps them to find the root cause of their unwanted current results and she guides them in their journey of becoming the best version of themselves.

#040 Czy spełnienie marzeń w Irlandii jest możliwe? Rozmowa z Sylwią Gryczuk koordynatorem programu resocjalizacyjnego dla trudnej młodzieży.
2021-02-03 02:00:00

#038  Czy spełnienie marzeń w Irlandii jest możliwe? Moim gościem jest Sylwia Gryczuk: koordynator programu resocjalizacyjnego za dnia i ilustrator /artysta w nocy . Przyjechała do Irlandii by znaleść prace marzeń z zakresu resocjalizacji, sukces osiągnięty! Ale jak sama mówi tylko dzięki determinacji , ciężkiej pracy i wsparciu rodzinnym . Czy spełnienie marzeń w Irlandii jest możliwe? Jest przykładem tego, że właśnie Tak! Ja nazywam się Małgosia Klonowska.Jestem  autorką tego Podcastu, dyplomowanym Business, Life i Spiritual Coachem. Na codzień pomagam właścicielkom małych biznesów w pokonywaniu ich własnych słabości, przekonań co pozwala na rozwój na poziomie osobistym i biznesowym. Website:

#038  Czy spełnienie marzeń w Irlandii jest możliwe?

Moim gościem jest Sylwia Gryczuk: koordynator programu resocjalizacyjnego za dnia i ilustrator /artysta w nocy . Przyjechała do Irlandii by znaleść prace marzeń z zakresu resocjalizacji, sukces osiągnięty! Ale jak sama mówi tylko dzięki determinacji , ciężkiej pracy i wsparciu rodzinnym . Czy spełnienie marzeń w Irlandii jest możliwe? Jest przykładem tego, że właśnie Tak!

Ja nazywam się Małgosia Klonowska.Jestem  autorką tego Podcastu, dyplomowanym Business, Life i Spiritual Coachem. Na codzień pomagam właścicielkom małych biznesów w pokonywaniu ich własnych słabości, przekonań co pozwala na rozwój na poziomie osobistym i biznesowym.


#039 Managing Business During Difficult Times with Mandy Maher
2021-01-26 22:07:12

COACHING VOICE PODCAST EPISODE  #039 Managing Business During Difficult Times with Mandy Maher    Mandy Maher, Owner of Catwalk Model Agency, Stylist with Virgin Media One ‘Ireland AM’.  FB:  Catwalk Model Agency or Mandy Maher  Instagram:  @catwalkmodelagency  or  @mandycatwalk  Twitter:  @mandycatwalk ------------------------------------------ To  join 4 weeks Mindset Shift Course click here


Managing Business During Difficult Times with Mandy Maher   

Mandy Maher, Owner of Catwalk Model Agency, Stylist with Virgin Media One ‘Ireland AM’. 

FB:  Catwalk Model Agency or Mandy Maher 

Instagram:  @catwalkmodelagency  or  @mandycatwalk 

Twitter:  @mandycatwalk


To  join 4 weeks Mindset Shift Course click here

#038 On a path of Self-Discovery with Lara Franks
2021-01-20 02:00:00

#038 On a path of Self-Discovery with Lara Franks Lara is a Holistic Life Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand, working online over Zoom with women all around the globe. With a core focus on Purpose & Mindset, Lara helps guide women with taking back control of their lives through embracing authenticity, re-discovering their passions, living purposefully & improving their mindset so that their thoughts lead to more positive results.

#038 On a path of Self-Discovery with Lara Franks

Lara is a Holistic Life Coach based in Auckland, New Zealand, working online over Zoom with women all around the globe. With a core focus on Purpose & Mindset, Lara helps guide women with taking back control of their lives through embracing authenticity, re-discovering their passions, living purposefully & improving their mindset so that their thoughts lead to more positive results.

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