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For years, the narrative of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was written by men. That’s why the story of Jewish women liaison officers, fighters and conspirators is so little known. Female liaison officers were on the front line – they smuggled weapons to incite anti-Nazi resistance, money to help Jews in hiding, and rescued people. One of them was Irena Gelblum, unknown to the world for decades. As a journalist and writer I devoted fourteen years to her biography. “The Three Lives of Irena Gelblum” (“Trzy życia Ireny Gelblum”, Bellona Publishing House, Warsaw) with an introduction by Professor Norman Davies (“God’s Playground”, “Rising 44. The Battle for Warsaw”) and an introduction by Holocaust survivor historian Marian Turski, whose words “Auschwitz did not fall from the sky” circulated the world three years ago, is the most likely version of herstory. Probable because she herself for years falsified it, destroyed documents and traces.

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