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What are the main security threats in the EU? Are Poland and Germany ready to fight new challenges, such as hybrid wars or digital threats? How should the EU behave towards US-China rivalry? Should a European army be created?

These issues were discussed by experts from Poland and Germany on 18 July 2019 in Warsaw:

Jacek Bartosiak PhD – a geopolitics and strategy expert, CEO and founder of Strategy & Future, Senior Fellow at the D.C. based Potomac Foundation, Director of Wargaming & Simulations Program at the Casimir Pulaski Foundation. Also a contributor at Nowa Konfederacja;  

Michael Quaas – a history graduate of the University of Erfurt with stays in Washington D.C. at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Wrocław University. Since 2009 he's been active in German and Polish institutions, currently at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. He reports on Polish and European politics;  

Paweł Behrendt – graduate in International Relations, publicist and translator, editor at Konflikty.pl. Member of the Board at the Boym Institute, where he deals with security, conflicts and armament issues. A regular contributor to Nowa Konfederacja.

The debate “Poland, Germany – together on security” was moderated by Marcin Chruściel – member of the NK team, former consultant at the Regional Centre for International Debate in Wroclaw.

This project was supported by The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Nowa Konfederacja | Polska & Świat: geopolityka, polityka i sprawy międzynarodowe

Świat zmienia się w niewyobrażalnym tempie. Stare teorie, etykiety i nazwy coraz mniej pasują do rzeczywistości po cyfrowej rewolucji. Zmienia się kształt społeczeństw, państw, sposób uprawiania polityki i prowadzenia biznesu. Jak poruszać się po tym świecie? Jak go opisywać? Jak podejmować w nim decyzje? Jak pogodzić ze sobą sprzeczne wizje świata i człowieka? Tego dowiecie się z naszych podcastów.

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