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Sen-Foong Lim was dropped off in the dank basement of the local university at the age of 6 by flustered parents, hoping that their precocious child could be kept entertained by this newfangled thing they heard about on the radio: Dungeons & Dragons. Little did they know that what kept them from pulling out their hair (and putting their only son up for adoption) would catapult Sen into realms unknown! Sen is passionate about exploring his culture through games and figuring out how to make all things geeky even geekier (by making them into games). Coming off of successful campaigns for MIND MGMT and his first co-authored RPG, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, and Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising, Sen is also the co-creator of the Coded Chronicles series from the Op. Sen loves taking familiar stories and giving them a twist, allowing playing to explore and experience the world through the eyes of their favourite characters.

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Laboratorium Gier

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Teraz opowiadam i odpowiadam na pytania o projektowaniu gier planszowych.
Sam lub z zaproszonymi gośćmi.

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