CAPITAL H is a podcast during which John Guziak and his guests discuss the new dimension of leadership in the era of technology transformation and the need to be human-centric. He invites CEOs, CHROs, other board members and thought leaders to share their views.

Odcinki od najnowszych:

#12 Beata Janczur explains why when we discuss the future of work we talk about the future of people
2021-09-20 13:53:40

In another in our series of C-suite@Transformation podcasts I talk to Beata Janczur about how HR affects the work of the entire organisation, about the challenges faced by managers and management boards, as well as about the vision of the future of work and why employees (humans) are critical to the company's success.
In another in our series of C-suite@Transformation podcasts I talk to Beata Janczur about how HR affects the work of the entire organisation, about the challenges faced by managers and management boards, as well as about the vision of the future of work and why employees (humans) are critical to the company's success.

#11 Mikołaj Woźniak explains why leaders should listen to the needs of their employees
2021-07-09 08:49:09

In another episode of the C-suite@Transformation podcast I am taking with Mikołaj Woźniak about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the automotive industry and how the Volkswagen Group has coped with changes during crisis. We are discussing what the future of work will look like once the pandemic is over and how leaders can help their teams make work more efficient.
In another episode of the C-suite@Transformation podcast I am taking with Mikołaj Woźniak about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the automotive industry and how the Volkswagen Group has coped with changes during crisis. We are discussing what the future of work will look like once the pandemic is over and how leaders can help their teams make work more efficient.

#10 Tomasz Rostkowski on the first steps into the labour market and the brand new role of human capital (episode recorded in Polish)
2021-06-10 09:25:35

W kolejnym odcinku podcastu C-suite@Transformation rozmawiam z Tomaszem Rostkowskim o potrzebach młodych ludzi, studentów i absolwentów, stawiających pierwsze kroki na rynku pracy, a także o zmianach w podejściu do tematu kapitału ludzkiego i jego nowej roli w organizacjach. Tomasz Rostkowski – Profesor Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, kierownik studiów podyplomowych , stoi na czele Insytutu Kapitału Ludzkiego. Ekspert z zakresu wdrażania zmian, strategicznego zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim oraz budowy systemów zarządzania z doświadczeniem w branżach tj.: administracja publiczna (rządowa, samorządowa, sądowa, prokuratorska, NIK, NBP, ZUS, i inne), badania rynku, bankowość, doradztwo, IT zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą.
W kolejnym odcinku podcastu C-suite@Transformation rozmawiam z Tomaszem Rostkowskim o potrzebach młodych ludzi, studentów i absolwentów, stawiających pierwsze kroki na rynku pracy, a także o zmianach w podejściu do tematu kapitału ludzkiego i jego nowej roli w organizacjach. Tomasz Rostkowski – Profesor Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, kierownik studiów podyplomowych , stoi na czele Insytutu Kapitału Ludzkiego. Ekspert z zakresu wdrażania zmian, strategicznego zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim oraz budowy systemów zarządzania z doświadczeniem w branżach tj.: administracja publiczna (rządowa, samorządowa, sądowa, prokuratorska, NIK, NBP, ZUS, i inne), badania rynku, bankowość, doradztwo, IT zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą.

#9 Daniel Martyniuk about the latest trends and the role of leadership in the digital era
2021-05-10 13:40:00

In the next C-suite@Transformation podcast, I talk to Daniel Martyniuk about the role of leadership in the digital era, the latest technology trends and their impact on organizational development as well as concerns about machines replacing humans in the future.
In the next C-suite@Transformation podcast, I talk to Daniel Martyniuk about the role of leadership in the digital era, the latest technology trends and their impact on organizational development as well as concerns about machines replacing humans in the future.

#8 Grażyna Rzehak about the changing role of leadership and the common language of business and HR function
2021-04-15 09:56:04

In this sequel of our C-suite@Transformation podcast, Grażyna Rzehak will tell us about the current role of a leader and its future evolution; why understanding of a business and data analyses are so important for a corporate success; and what leaders should be prepared for once the pandemic is over.
In this sequel of our C-suite@Transformation podcast, Grażyna Rzehak will tell us about the current role of a leader and its future evolution; why understanding of a business and data analyses are so important for a corporate success; and what leaders should be prepared for once the pandemic is over.

#7 Malgorzata Romaniuk on the pandemic’s impact on working women and the importance of teamwork in times of COVID-19 (episode recorded in Polish)
2021-03-29 10:12:59

W kolejnym odcinku podcastu C-suite@Transformation rozmawiam z Małgorzatą Romaniuk o wpływie pandemii na kariery kobiet, o problemach, z jakimi mierzą się w nowej rzeczywistości, wynikającej z ograniczeń oraz nowych, narzuconych rolach; o znaczeniu współpracy, która zyskuje na sile w dobie kryzysu, a także o roli lidera/liderki i zarządzaniu zespołem.
W kolejnym odcinku podcastu C-suite@Transformation rozmawiam z Małgorzatą Romaniuk o wpływie pandemii na kariery kobiet, o problemach, z jakimi mierzą się w nowej rzeczywistości, wynikającej z ograniczeń oraz nowych, narzuconych rolach; o znaczeniu współpracy, która zyskuje na sile w dobie kryzysu, a także o roli lidera/liderki i zarządzaniu zespołem.

#6 Arthur Mazor on changes in human resource management and enhancing collaboration within teams
2021-03-18 15:09:15

In the next C-suite@Transformation podcast I am talking to Arthur Mazor about problems currently faced by leaders and employees in organisations; about changes in human resource management; about ways of enhancing collaboration within teams and the qualities which today’s leaders should demonstrate.
In the next C-suite@Transformation podcast I am talking to Arthur Mazor about problems currently faced by leaders and employees in organisations; about changes in human resource management; about ways of enhancing collaboration within teams and the qualities which today’s leaders should demonstrate.

#5 Renata Kulej about leadership and new work models in the era of digital transformation and the pandemic
2021-02-15 09:06:28

During the next C-suite@Transformation podcast, I will ask Renata Kulej about changes in the working and management methods driven by the outbreak of Covid-19, about the role of leaders, which has now become enormously important and is key to the success of the transformation, and about the future: whether technological advancement will reduce demand for human work or quite the opposite, whether technology will create new jobs.
During the next C-suite@Transformation podcast, I will ask Renata Kulej about changes in the working and management methods driven by the outbreak of Covid-19, about the role of leaders, which has now become enormously important and is key to the success of the transformation, and about the future: whether technological advancement will reduce demand for human work or quite the opposite, whether technology will create new jobs.

#4 Dominika Bettman talks about the challenges leaders have to face these days, about the new definition of leadership of tomorrow
2021-01-29 09:52:17

In the next episode of the C-suite@Transformation I am talking to Dominika Bettman about the challenges leaders have to face these days, about the new definition of leadership and the impact of technological changes caused by the pandemic on the way of work, as well as about authenticity and trust being the foundations for the organizational culture of tomorrow.
In the next episode of the C-suite@Transformation I am talking to Dominika Bettman about the challenges leaders have to face these days, about the new definition of leadership and the impact of technological changes caused by the pandemic on the way of work, as well as about authenticity and trust being the foundations for the organizational culture of tomorrow.

#3 Jan Michalski discusses digital transformation as a necessary building block of the Future of Work
2021-01-19 13:08:01

During the nearest C-suite@Transformation meeting I ask Jan Michalski why digital is not about resolutions, being instead a continuous process embedded in our activities, both private and professional, and what experience has been transferred from client service and sales departments to the talent market in this respect.
During the nearest C-suite@Transformation meeting I ask Jan Michalski why digital is not about resolutions, being instead a continuous process embedded in our activities, both private and professional, and what experience has been transferred from client service and sales departments to the talent market in this respect.

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