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Great products have a solid history and a ton of work behind them. What does the backstage of product development look like? To learn some product insights, in the 3rd episode of mindset by nomtek we are interviewing our guest - Mike Sadowski, the founder and CEO of Brand24 - world-known media monitoring tool.   

Listen to the whole episode to get to know:  

  • the process for product implementation and development in Brand24, 
  • the company and product team structure, 
  • the product strategy, 
  • the connection between product and marketing and sales, 
  • the tools that the team is using on a daily basis, 
  • a bit of backstage of crisis the product experienced recently

Jest to odcinek podkastu:

We pick the brains of leaders behind world-known products and startups to uncover fuckups, failures, lessons learned, successes, and strategies that work.

In the podcast, we explore the product development world through the lens of new technologies like AR, VR, mixed reality, and IoT.


Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

