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We have to say that Thanksgiving is more important than Christmas for people in the United States.

America has written in its constitution the separation of "church" (i.e., religion) and state. And Christmas is a Christian holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is a holiday that belongs to no one religion and is easily adopted by the millions of immigrant settlers to the U.S. of various religions. Also, the concept of gratitude for whatever one may be is a pretty universal one. What is more, this day is almost completely devoid of commercialization - there's no pressure to buy gifts and the only expectation is to be around the loved ones and perhaps invite to one's table one or more strangers who might otherwise be alone that day ....
It is also the only day when America really "stops".
Let's take a look now what the origins of Thanksgiving are.
Over three hundred years ago, a little ship, the Mayflower, sailed from Plymouth in England to Virginia in North America. The Mayflower had 102 passengers on board. They were a group of separatists - the so called Puritans who had broken up with the Church of England. They wanted to be able to worship God in their own way. Before they were able to do this, though, they had spent many years in exile in the Netherlands. And so as soon as they could and got a plantation in South Virginia, they started making preparations to set out for the New World. They were rather poor themselves and they had to borrow money (for seven years) from a group of loan sharks in London. Finally, the Pilgrims - as they called themselves - began their voyage in autumn of 1620. They tiny ships fought many storms and strong winds blew the Mayflower northwards. After 64 days of rough voyage, the Pilgrims - instead of finding the warm coasts of South - saw the rocky coast of Massachusett's. On December 16 the Mayflower arrived at a place already named Plymouth and decided to settle there.
The Pilgrims built simple cabins and huts to shelter during the coming frosty winter. They had never experienced such a cold before and suffered greatly. Nor had they ever experienced such sickness and starvation. Only 50 immigrants out of original 102 survived that winter. Despite all the difficulties the survivors didn't want to go back to England and the Mayflower returned to her homeland with no Pilgrims aboard.
With the coming of spring of 1621 new hope filled their hearts. The settlers set to work. They built 11 houses - 7 for families and 4 for communal use. With the help of an Indian named Squanto they learned how to plant corn and barley.
In fact Squanto had been kidnapped and aimed to be sold for slavery in Spain. Fortunately enough some monks saved him and taught him how to crop the land. He learnt languages and the Christian faith. Thanks to the monks he regained the trust to white people, but his desire to get back to his tribe never left him. He missed home and prayed to be able to return home. The monks helped him to fulfill his dream but first Squanto went to England and worked for a businessman called Slaney. The company of this businessman wanted to explore the trading opportunities with the New Land. Since Squanto had learnt English and could speak it fluently he was sent to America to work as an interpreter. In 1619 he was able to sail back directly home. But his heart was broken when he saw that plague had ravaged people of his tribe and everybody had died. He was the only one to have remained. He was accepted by the neighboring Wampanoag tribe. And when news came to him that a group of European settlers had set up their camp on the very site of his former village he felt the urge to meet them. They were English, pilgrims. He saw how they struggled to survive and how they...

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Twój przewodnik języka angielskiego

Nazywam się Monika Podbielska i będę Twoim przewodnikiem po nauce języka angielskiego.

Zajmuję się nauczaniem języka angielskiego osób dorosłych i w podcaście dzielę się swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Jeśli więc uczysz się języka angielskiego od wielu lat i w końcu chcesz przeskoczyć na wyższy poziom lub czujesz, że tkwisz w miejscu, masz wrażenie, że wszystko zapomniałeś i musisz zaczynać od początku albo po prostu chcesz podtrzymywać znajomość języka ten podcast jest dla Ciebie.
„Twój przewodnik języka angielskiego” zawiera wywiady z osobami uczącymi się, proste teksty w języku angielskim pozwalające na rozwijanie słownictwa i rozumienie przekazu oraz porady jak się uczyć. Opowiadam o różnorodnych historiach tak, aby każdy mógł się nimi zainteresować, wyrobić sobie własne zdanie i jednocześnie poszerzyć słownictwo i znajomość struktur gramatycznych. Dopełnieniem podcastu są Karty pracy i rozszerzone notatki do poszczególnych odcinków oraz wpisy na blogu, które znajdziesz na stronie www.monikapodbielska.pl . Podcast został nominowany do Nagrody BEST AUDIO Empik Go za rok 2020 w kategorii „Najlepszy Podcast”.

Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

