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Cultural and Creative Sectors (CSS) are a robust part of the Chinese economy. With increasing central control in the Xi Jinping era, they are subject not only to the ebbs and flows of the ultra-competitive Chinese market, but also to the ever-changing policies of the state. What is the specificity of the Chinese cultural field? What is it’s organisational and budgetary structure? How far do the various regulators influence the CSS? In what ways has the legal framework of CSS activity changed in recent years, and how does the censorship system work in practice? What is the role of state-owned enterprises, and what are the local characteristics of the Chinese market? The webinar will present the results of latest research of the CSS as part of the China Horizons project. The project “China Horizons – Dealing With a Resurgent China” (DWARC) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101061700 The Culture Zone of SWPS University is a project in which, together with the invited guests, we discuss various elements of the culture that surrounds us, as well as introduce the realities, phenomena and customs present in other countries. More information about the project: www.kultura.swps.pl

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Strefa Kultur Uniwersytetu SWPS

Strefa Kultur Uniwersytet SWPS to projekt, którego głównym celem jest popularyzowanie wiedzy na temat ludzi, mediów, języka i kultury danego kraju. Do udziału w tym przedsięwzięciu zaprosiliśmy ekspertów z różnych dziedzin: filologów, językoznawców, kulturoznawców, medioznawców, dziennikarzy, socjologów i politologów. Więcej informacje o projekcie: kultura.swps.pl.

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