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My today's guest is the  creator of the zero waste movement and her name is Bea Johnson. She writes the popular blog titled "Zero Waste Home", and she has written the bestselling book of the same name which was translated into 22 languages! Bea has been called “The Priestess of Waste-Free Living” by the New York Times, she has won green awards, and promotes and speaks about her lifestyle around the world. You might know her from TV shows and publications from around the world such as: BBC, The New York Times, The Today's Show, People magazine, CNN, NBC, ABC... She has visited Austria already and, as she tells me in today's episode, her another European tour is coming soon!  Happy tuning in. In today's episode we talk about: - what an actual waste is - the famous 5'r rule which helps transition into a waste-free living - challanges of the zero-waste lifestyle - substitutes for some of the most tricky wasteful products - if it is possible to live a normal life and be zero-waste Check these links for more information: Bea's Zero Waste blog https://zerowastehome.com/ Bea'S Zero Waste Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZeroWasteHome/ "Zero Waste Home: the ultimate guide to simplifying your life" book in English https://www.amazon.de/Zero-Waste-Home-Ultimate-Simplifying/dp/0141981768/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1520245666&sr=8-3&keywords=bea+johnson&dpID=41ASWiuKJQL&preST=_SY264_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch "Zero Waste Home Glücklich leben ohne Müll!: Reduziere deinen Müll und vereinfache dein Leben" book in German https://www.amazon.de/Zero-Waste-Home-Gl%C3%BCcklich-leben/dp/3869352922/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520245666&sr=8-1&keywords=bea+johnson&dpID=417tDBUwuKL&preST=_SY264_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch Zero waste movement in Austria http://www.zerowasteaustria.at/ Zero waste stores in Austria http://www.zerowasteaustria.at/zero-waste-shops.html Author of the podcast music: Raju Baba http://rguitarlessons.com/ I love when you keep in touch! E-mail: karolina@karolinakalamajska.com Join me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yogaineneglishwienaustria Join me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Yoga_In_English_Wien_Austria Support this podcast Hosting this podcast isn't free. Therefore, with your little support I can invite more guests, create more episodes and share more knowledge on yoga, ayurveda and mindfullness. Donate a few € here: https://www.karolinakalamajska.com/product/support-yoga-ayurveda-holistic-living-podcast/ See you in the next episode! With love, Karolina

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Prowadzi: Karolina K.

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