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Ocena efektywności inwestycji przez instytucje

finansujące i future-proofing. Usprawnienie procesów

w projektach inwestycyjnych.

Moderator: dr hab. Marcin Kawiński, profesor SGH

Bernard de Longevialle, Global Head of Sustainable Finance, Standard & Poors Global Ratings

Zofia Wetmańska, Climate Bonds

Giuseppe Tesoriere, PhD Urban and Regional Economist Research and Knowledge Exchange - WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities World Resources Institute

Cllr Stephen Cowan, Leader, London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Council

Henrik Johansson Vaxjo Szwecja

A green investments is an urgent matter that requires solutions for future needs. The infrastructure built now will be functional also in 50 years. What is the approach to evaluating the quality of projects, how is it assessed that the investment has value and is well planned? What is the approach to green investments of the public sector, including local governments, how do financing institutions and companies approach it? What criteria does the bankability of a project depend on? What are the criteria for evaluating the financing institution that determines whether a project is good?

How to secure the project and insure against risk?

How to check whether the project is interested, whether there is a demand for this type of investment, whether such an investment is needed? Will it be profitable?

What does the entire process of evaluating an infrastructural project look like before its financing?

Does project appraisal differ if it is carried out by the institution financing the fund from the EU, and by state funds, and by a bank or investment?

Public sector infrastructure projects bring great public benefits. Their goals are aimed at enhancing public well-being, and their effectiveness is linked to both increased economic growth and improved quality of public services and the rational use of scarce budgetary resources. It is, therefore, particularly important that different parties evaluate infrastructure projects during the different stages of their life cycle.

Concerning a public project, five types of assessments are usually made: commercial, technical, financial, economic, and environmental.


What conditions should a well-prepared investment project meet? What is the scheme for preparing such projects and who evaluates them?


The objectives of the financial assessment are: to assess the extent to which the project will generate sufficient revenue to meet its financial obligations, evaluate incentives for economic agents involved in the project, to assess whether the expected demand or output corresponds to financial charges or available budgetary resources.

The financial evaluation determines the profitability of the project in terms of the economic agents involved. The profitability of the project depends on many factors, such as costs for construction and operation, the total expected financial return of the project, etc. A financial assessment is also needed to determine which of the different options will achieve the highest financial return.

What are the barriers and the most common mistakes in project preparation? What to pay special attention to? Why are funds so often spent on projects that do not bring financial profitability? How to prevent such actions? Are there tools that can better assess profitability? How is profitability assessed by private companies and public institutions?

The purpose of the economic assessment is to assess the potential contribution of the public sector infrastructure project and the priority of the infrastructure development project. Through economic evaluation, the monetary costs and revenues determined by the technical, commercial, and financial valuation are adjusted to reflect the real income and expenses of the society. 

What are the best practices to forecast future needs of users? Public vs. private investor approach.


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