One of the most beautiful short theories I ever heard. I absolutely love and adore that theory and singing it with my own personal wet signature.
I belive that If you know who you are, you know your deepest ethics and values, you will not go for anything less than that.
Ufcourse, it might be a challenging until you will get to the level of this point of your selfawerenes. It is a road not necessarily covered with beauifully smelled roses and tulips, but with bumps and hills, ups and downs. Until It's not. All that journey create experience, wisdom and finally-celebration.
I invite you to join Me and my Wonderful Friend and Guest in a Quarter of an Hour to discuss his own wisdom and experience around asserrtiveness. His story resonates with me a lot. Even though assertiveness following me whole entire life, there was a time when I gave up.
Giving up on you can cost you your health.
Mental, emotional and physical.
The most important person in your life is You. It all starts with you ❤️
Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Kwadrans Z Asertywnością
Zapraszam do cyklu spotkań pod tytułem Kwadrans z Asertywnością, w którym wraz z moimi gośćmi dzielimy się doświadczeniami i benefitami z życia wziętymi. I invite you to the series of meetings entitled Quarterly with Assertiveness, in which, together with my Guests, we share our experiences