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Maciej talks with Wadim Schipka (Senior Inside Sales DACH, Cloudian) about backuping, restoring, archiving data. They give lots of use-cases from around the world, from various sectors like public, healthcare, aircraft, media entertainment, universities, and many more.  

0:01:44 Cloudian - what is it all about? 

0:03:02 Why bother about the object storage at all?  

0:11:07 Software vs. hardware solutions of the storage 

0:14:37 Cloudian vs. service providers as VMware and others 

0:19:15 Major backup vendors (Commvault, Veeam, Rubrik) vs. Cloudian 

0:22:50 How to use object storage in the media-entertainment sector? 

0:27:44 AWS glacier storage idea & cooperation with Cloudian 

0:29:51 Healthcare market & data archiving. Let's break the silos! 

0:33:14 Universities & R&D innovation hubs use professional storage solutions to archive 

0:35:02 Data indexing by Splunk or Hadoop inside object storage & how to store logs? 

0:37:26 Ransomware protection by the Object Lock or another solution inside the storage 

0:42:52 Public sector needs certifying solutions 

0:44:39 Robots go into the hard drives & object storages, and... replace the tapes 

0:49:54 Back-up solution for Office 365 

0:52:10 Public transportation needs storage not only for video footage 

0:55:01 Elon Musk and his Dogecoin - a crypto-currency based on storage. Where is the big change on the market? Does storage is a game-changer?  

Watch &

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