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In this episode, Jacek explores the topic of dining alone and its associated stigma . He begins by sharing statistics that reveal how dining alone has become more popular in the UK. Then he retells an anecdote about British comedian Jack Whitehall, who experienced an embarrassing situation while eating on his own in America.
Then you will hear the explanation of how the phrase "as such" could indicate a consequence or logical conclusion of something that has been mentioned earlier. Also, the episode provides listeners with examples of sentences in which other words and phrases convey the idea of cause and result in both written and spoken English.

Link to episode transcript.

Link to the article published in the Spectator on 18 March 2023 - The Art of Eating Alone.

Link to the Youtube clip with Jack Whitehall telling the anecdote retold in the episode.

For more, visit: PoLoop Angielski Blog
Drop me a line: jacek@poloopangielski.pl
And join us on social media: Instagram and Facebook

Would you like me to help you master your English? You can find out more about my courses
here .

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
PoLoop Angielski

This is a podcast for intermediate learners of English, especially my students, current and those I taught in the past. Since most of them are Polish, it was originally designed with Polish learners in mind. However, with new technology and methods of communication, allowing me to work with students from various parts of the world, the podcast has quickly evolved, and is no longer aimed at one particular nationality. The majority of my listeners are not even my students. The original goal, however, remains the same: providing learners of English with advice and listening material that could help them on their way from the intermediate to the advanced level of English language competence - the route I followed too.

Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

