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Episode 26 ,,Make today matter - 10 habits to successful leading.’’, Leaders Island Podcast it is a conversation with Chris Lowney.

Chris Lowney, the author of four books on leadership, co-authored of two more. Chris Lowney is vice chair of the board of CommonSpirit Health, America’s largest nonprofit health system with $29 Billion in revenues and more than 150,000 employees. He is a one-time Jesuit seminarian and later served as a Managing Director of J.P. Morgan & Co on three continents. He is a popular keynote speaker who has lectured in more than two-dozen countries, on leadership, business ethics, decision-making and other topics.

In this podcast he refers to ten core leadership habits which are:

Habit 1. Point out the way.

Habit 2. Bring big heart every day.

Habit 3. Don’t win the race; contribute to the (human) race.

Habit 4. Give away your sneakers; help someone today.

Habit 5. Banish the inner demons; be free for what matters.

Habit 6. Change your little part of the world.

Habit 7. Keep walking up the hill and down the hill; persevere.

Habit 8. Be more grateful.

Habit 9. Control the controllable; listen to the still, small voice.

Habit 10. Answer this hurting world’s call for happy warriors.

Based on the habits, the book is teaching us how to change conventional thinking in order to create reality completely different.

Everyone should experience an impuls to act in favour to your private and work life, take matters into your own hands and make routine and boredom not existing part of your life. According to the book, life could change completely if you show a piece of your heart to others and persevere all failures.

During conversation Chris admits that the XXI century is bringing us all kinds of challenges. He believes, that world needs a happy warriors, people who create some good in the world and they are not going to be discouraged simply, because that task may not be finished this month or even in their lifetime.

To be able to answer a question „Am I using my gift right?„, listen to this episode!

This podcast answers following questions:
How you can point out your own path?
Why should we have clear sense of direction?
After getting a bonus, what comes next?
Why shouldn’t we compare ourselves to others?
Do we have to fail on the way becoming successful?
What can I do to make world a better place?
How do we become persevere people?

Web page link: https://leadersisland.com/podcast-menedzera-lidera/10-habits-to-successful-leading/
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/DbCo-Ka6mDw

Persons and pages mentioned in this podcast:
- Official website

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Leaders Island Podcast. Z warsztatu lidera.

Team leader, head of, kierownik, menedżer, PM czy CEO. Bez względu jak brzmi Twoje stanowisko współpraca z ludźmi to WIELKIE HONOROWE ZOBOWIĄZANIE. Swoją pracą wpływasz na to z czym Twoi współpracownicy wracają do swoich domów. Korzystaj z doświadczeń praktyków biznesu i liderów. Podnoś swoje kompetencje. Bądź przez to bardziej skuteczny. WSZYSTKO PO TO, ABY TWORZYĆ WOKÓŁ SIEBIE LEPSZY ŚWIAT.

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