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Until 2050, the demand for water will double, and over a half of the world’s population will be at risk of water scarcity. Water is running out in places where so far it has been aplenty. At present, over 2 billion people worldwide have no access to clean potable water, and 100 million inhabitants of Europe are affected by the same problem, writes Agata Kasprolewicz.

Providing sanitary infrastructure to residents of remote and poverty-stricken places is a chance to save lives of thousands of children. An example of such an initiative is the project of the Navegadores Society in Senegal, co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Read by John Beauchamp

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Polska pomoc - Polish Aid

Polska pomoc to marka polskiej współpracy rozwojowej realizowanej przez MSZ we współpracy z polskimi instytucjami publicznymi, organizacjami pozarządowymi i lokalnymi podmiotami w krajach partnerskich. Za pomocą podcastów będziemy informować o zaangażowaniu Polski w pomoc humanitarną i rozwojową będącą częścią polityki zagranicznej kraju.
Polish Aid is a brand of Polish development cooperation carried out by the MFA in cooperation with Polish public institutions, non-governmental organizations and local entities in partner countries. We will use podcasts to inform about Poland's involvement in humanitarian and development assistance, which is part of the Polish foreign policy.

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