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Episode no. 1 of our special mini-series, "Changes and Judgements", where we try to show stories of different women who changed their lives in various ways, and are being met with not only own thoughts and feelings, but also all sorts of external questions, "good advice", and, sometimes, judgement.

Our first guest is Dani, who is making a jump from the corporate world to becoming a doula.

In this episode you will hear more about:

  • why we chose this topic
  • who turned their life upside-down, without even planning it
  • returning, awakening & choices
  • "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts"
  • what kind of choices we get inspired by
  • how Dani decided to become a doula, and what exactly a doula does
  • the importance helping others find their own way and make their own decisions
  • "I need to bring more LOVE to this life - how?"
  • what's the difference between a doula and a midwife

The perfect conclusion of this episode would be, as Dani said:

"Everytime we do something with our heart, it's unreal how the universe returns double or ten times more."

Find us on FB and IG:

Karolina: https://www.facebook.com/KarolinaGladychCoaching

Aga: https://www.instagram.com/the_chocolate_witch/

... and you can contact Dani via email: dani.koda@gmail.com. She's very much looking forward to starting help people out!

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
Magia Codzienna - Duchowe Podróże, Ziemskie Przyjemności

Rozmawiamy o duchowości i psychologii z przymrużeniem oka. Oddychamy, medytujemy, cieszymy się chwilą. Pijemy ceremonialne kakao, czasem tańczymy w świetle księżyca.
Nie ma tutaj poważnej wzniosłości, ale jest szczery zachwyt życiem ze wszystkimi jego aspektami. I szczyptą magii ;)

Znajdziesz nas tutaj;
Po polsku:
Instagram Magii Codziennej: https://www.instagram.com/magia_codzienna/
Facebookowa gupa Karoliny: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2705186516395642
Instagram Agi: https://www.instagram.com/the_chocolate_witch/
Po angielsku:
Strona Karoliny: https://www.karolinagladych.com/

Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

