Nurtujące Pytania - SCh Wilanów

W kościele Społeczność Chrześcijańska Wilanów wierzymy, że Bóg nie boi się Twoich pytań. Co więcej, to On często sprawia, że pojawiają się w Twojej głowie.
Dlatego też tworzymy podcasty, które mamy nadzieję, że zainspirują Cię do szukania odpowiedzi na Nurtujące Pytania.
Religia i Duchowość
Religia i Duchowość
Philippians 2:6-11
2024-10-25 02:00:00
What was the humility of Christ that we are called to look at in order to know how to serve others? Paul has encouraged the church in Philippi to put others above themselves, to not focus on their own status, and to live lives of humility that are worthy of the gospel. The example that he uses is Christ who, though he had the highest status, emptied himself, did not cling to his status, but become...not just a human...but a servant. One who would, through his sacrificial obedience, be exalted to the highest place. In this sermon, Kiryl walks us through the truths of Philippians 2:6-11 and the implications it contains for us as followers of Christ.
What was the humility of Christ that we are called to look at in order to know how to serve others? Paul has encouraged the church in Philippi to put others above themselves, to not focus on their own status, and to live lives of humility that are worthy of the gospel. The example that he uses is Christ who, though he had the highest status, emptied himself, did not cling to his status, but become...not just a human...but a servant. One who would, through his sacrificial obedience, be exalted to the highest place. In this sermon, Kiryl walks us through the truths of Philippians 2:6-11 and the implications it contains for us as followers of Christ.
Philippians 1:12-18
2024-10-19 02:00:00
Paul compares two groups of people preaching the gospel: those who preached Christ with pure motives and those who preached Christ with selfish ambitions. In both cases, Paul rejoiced because Christ was preached. The reason was simple: The power of the gospel is found in the message, not the messenger. This sermon addresses how we can handle preachers who preach with selfish ambitions and find our confidence in evangelism, not in ourselves, but in the Christ of the Gospel Message.
Paul compares two groups of people preaching the gospel: those who preached Christ with pure motives and those who preached Christ with selfish ambitions. In both cases, Paul rejoiced because Christ was preached. The reason was simple: The power of the gospel is found in the message, not the messenger. This sermon addresses how we can handle preachers who preach with selfish ambitions and find our confidence in evangelism, not in ourselves, but in the Christ of the Gospel Message.
Philippians 1:7-11
2024-10-19 02:00:00
In this Sermon, David John shares with us the next part of Paul's letter. He dives into Paul's prayer for the believers in Philippi and the lessons we can learn as we share the gospel with boldness.
In this Sermon, David John shares with us the next part of Paul's letter. He dives into Paul's prayer for the believers in Philippi and the lessons we can learn as we share the gospel with boldness.
Philippians 1:27-2:1-5
2024-10-19 02:00:00
Paul writes to the Philippians and tells them to "live in a manner worthy of the gospel." This is a powerful statement that should impact how our lives are aligned. What does this mean? Paul uses the next few verses in this incredible letter to help us understand how we live in a manner worthy of the gospel and what it means to lift others higher than ourselves.
Paul writes to the Philippians and tells them to "live in a manner worthy of the gospel." This is a powerful statement that should impact how our lives are aligned. What does this mean? Paul uses the next few verses in this incredible letter to help us understand how we live in a manner worthy of the gospel and what it means to lift others higher than ourselves.
Philippians 1:1-6
2024-10-19 02:00:00
As we dive into Paul's letter to the church in Philippi we open with the heart of a church planter. It is the gratefulness of partnership in the gospel that inspires Paul to write a letter to a church he loves. As followers of Christ, we are to become the servants through whom the gospel flows into the world around us. Many times, however, the gospel ends with us and we become a religious swamp. This sermon helps us understand how the gospel transforms the heart so we can expand the gospel throughout the world.
As we dive into Paul's letter to the church in Philippi we open with the heart of a church planter. It is the gratefulness of partnership in the gospel that inspires Paul to write a letter to a church he loves. As followers of Christ, we are to become the servants through whom the gospel flows into the world around us. Many times, however, the gospel ends with us and we become a religious swamp. This sermon helps us understand how the gospel transforms the heart so we can expand the gospel throughout the world.
Philippians 1:19-26
2024-10-19 02:00:00
What is your life purpose? Why are we here? How do we experience true joy? We address each of these questions as Paul reveals some powerful life principles in the next part of his letter to the Philippians.
What is your life purpose? Why are we here? How do we experience true joy? We address each of these questions as Paul reveals some powerful life principles in the next part of his letter to the Philippians.
Attributes of God 05: The Sovereignty of God
2024-07-31 13:57:04
In a world that seems chaotic, with many lives feeling the same, Romans 8:28 provides a recipe for making sense of life as children of God. The Sovereignty of God is one of the greatest truths and attribute that give hope in the midst of a world that seems to be falling apart. How does the gospel speak into our chaos? This sermon evaluates the power of Christ and the hope we have as believers to create cosmos in the midst of chaos.
In a world that seems chaotic, with many lives feeling the same, Romans 8:28 provides a recipe for making sense of life as children of God. The Sovereignty of God is one of the greatest truths and attribute that give hope in the midst of a world that seems to be falling apart. How does the gospel speak into our chaos? This sermon evaluates the power of Christ and the hope we have as believers to create cosmos in the midst of chaos.
Attributes of God 04: A Joyful God
2024-07-24 12:29:38
We all have descriptions we use for God. These descriptions are called His attributes and should be based on scripture. Sometimes, our image of God is off, resulting in poor theology. This sermon discusses an often neglected Attribute of God, Joy. Our lives should reflect God's joy, and this message helps us understand the Biblical foundations for our Joyful God and how His joy is transferred to us.
We all have descriptions we use for God. These descriptions are called His attributes and should be based on scripture. Sometimes, our image of God is off, resulting in poor theology. This sermon discusses an often neglected Attribute of God, Joy. Our lives should reflect God's joy, and this message helps us understand the Biblical foundations for our Joyful God and how His joy is transferred to us.
Attributes of God 03: A Holy God
2024-07-20 22:29:39
When we think about God, perhaps Holiness is an Attribute that comes to mind. Isaiah 6 gives us a small picture of the holiness of God. As we dive into this passage and others, we learn what it means to worship a God who is Holy and how we should respond based on the gospel of grace.
When we think about God, perhaps Holiness is an Attribute that comes to mind. Isaiah 6 gives us a small picture of the holiness of God. As we dive into this passage and others, we learn what it means to worship a God who is Holy and how we should respond based on the gospel of grace.
Attributes of God 02: A Never-Changing God
2024-07-20 22:22:00
Everything in our lives change. From the world around us, to every cell in our bodies, we live in a constant state of change. Everything changes...except God. This means that He is consistent to His character all throughout the Bible, today and tomorrow.
As we look at this second attribute of God, we want to dive into His word and learn the blessing of loving a God who never-changes.
Everything in our lives change. From the world around us, to every cell in our bodies, we live in a constant state of change. Everything changes...except God. This means that He is consistent to His character all throughout the Bible, today and tomorrow.
As we look at this second attribute of God, we want to dive into His word and learn the blessing of loving a God who never-changes.