Nurtujące Pytania - SCh Wilanów

W kościele Społeczność Chrześcijańska Wilanów wierzymy, że Bóg nie boi się Twoich pytań. Co więcej, to On często sprawia, że pojawiają się w Twojej głowie.

Dlatego też tworzymy podcasty, które mamy nadzieję, że zainspirują Cię do szukania odpowiedzi na Nurtujące Pytania.

Odcinki od najnowszych:

Attributes of God 04: A Joyful God
2024-07-24 12:29:38

We all have descriptions we use for God. These descriptions are called His attributes and should be based on scripture. Sometimes, our image of God is off, resulting in poor theology. This sermon discusses an often neglected Attribute of God, Joy. Our lives should reflect God's joy, and this message helps us understand the Biblical foundations for our Joyful God and how His joy is transferred to us.
We all have descriptions we use for God. These descriptions are called His attributes and should be based on scripture. Sometimes, our image of God is off, resulting in poor theology. This sermon discusses an often neglected Attribute of God, Joy. Our lives should reflect God's joy, and this message helps us understand the Biblical foundations for our Joyful God and how His joy is transferred to us.

Attributes of God 03- A Holy God
2024-07-20 22:29:39

When we think about God, perhaps Holiness is an Attribute that comes to mind. Isaiah 6 gives us a small picture of the holiness of God. As we dive into this passage and others, we learn what it means to worship a God who is Holy and how we should respond based on the gospel of grace.
When we think about God, perhaps Holiness is an Attribute that comes to mind. Isaiah 6 gives us a small picture of the holiness of God. As we dive into this passage and others, we learn what it means to worship a God who is Holy and how we should respond based on the gospel of grace.

Attributes of God 02- A Never-Changing God
2024-07-20 22:22:00

Everything in our lives change. From the world around us, to every cell in our bodies, we live in a constant state of change. Everything changes...except God. This means that He is consistent to His character all throughout the Bible, today and tomorrow. As we look at this second attribute of God, we want to dive into His word and learn the blessing of loving a God who never-changes.
Everything in our lives change. From the world around us, to every cell in our bodies, we live in a constant state of change. Everything changes...except God. This means that He is consistent to His character all throughout the Bible, today and tomorrow. As we look at this second attribute of God, we want to dive into His word and learn the blessing of loving a God who never-changes.

Attributes of God 01- An Introduction to God
2024-07-20 22:16:35

When God introduces Himself to His people, He does it in a very interesting way. As He gives the 10 Commandments He begins with a describe Himself and his Nature. This description and others throughout the Bible are called His Attributes. This introductory sermon is focused on how God introduces Himself and what we can learn as followers of Jesus, in order to relate to God better.
When God introduces Himself to His people, He does it in a very interesting way. As He gives the 10 Commandments He begins with a describe Himself and his Nature. This description and others throughout the Bible are called His Attributes. This introductory sermon is focused on how God introduces Himself and what we can learn as followers of Jesus, in order to relate to God better.

Pentecost Sunday: A Discussion about the Holy Spirit
2024-05-19 22:55:51

While we celebrate the joy of Christ coming to earth at Christmas with incredible traditions, the day we remember the Holy Spirit coming to earth many times goes unnoticed. This sermon focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit and some misconceptions we may have. What does it mean to be baptized in the Spirit? How do we experience the Spirit's power in our lives? These questions and many others are the focus of this discussion.
While we celebrate the joy of Christ coming to earth at Christmas with incredible traditions, the day we remember the Holy Spirit coming to earth many times goes unnoticed. This sermon focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit and some misconceptions we may have. What does it mean to be baptized in the Spirit? How do we experience the Spirit's power in our lives? These questions and many others are the focus of this discussion.

Evangelizing Family
2024-05-13 16:00:35

We all have unbelieving families, some of whom may even be hostile toward God and the gospel. Jesus was not afraid to say things as they were...or would be...and never tried to sugarcoat discipleship. He told us that living out the gospel in front of our families would create challenges. The Bible also tells us how we can live as a witness in front of these and develop rhythms in which we can BLESS our family and our friends. This sermon dives into this important topic with practical help and suggestions.
We all have unbelieving families, some of whom may even be hostile toward God and the gospel. Jesus was not afraid to say things as they were...or would be...and never tried to sugarcoat discipleship. He told us that living out the gospel in front of our families would create challenges. The Bible also tells us how we can live as a witness in front of these and develop rhythms in which we can BLESS our family and our friends. This sermon dives into this important topic with practical help and suggestions.

Loving in Romans
2024-05-13 15:42:03

This Sunday, Przemek shared with us what it means to love God and each other. Looking at verses in Romans and addressing some difficult topics he shared how our lives should model the love of God.
This Sunday, Przemek shared with us what it means to love God and each other. Looking at verses in Romans and addressing some difficult topics he shared how our lives should model the love of God.

Bride of Christ Pt 2
2024-04-28 23:03:55

As we close this two part series looking at what it means to be the Bride of Christ, we discuss the final four elements of the Jewish wedding structure. The Fetching of the Bride, The Celebration, The Feast and the Home of the Bride are the things we will experience. Jesus and the apostles had much to say on these elements which are rooted in the Old Testament and piece at a time we walk through these themes. What will our future look like? What do our works on earth mean? What are the implications of being the bride of Christ? This sermon dives into each of these questions and more.
As we close this two part series looking at what it means to be the Bride of Christ, we discuss the final four elements of the Jewish wedding structure. The Fetching of the Bride, The Celebration, The Feast and the Home of the Bride are the things we will experience. Jesus and the apostles had much to say on these elements which are rooted in the Old Testament and piece at a time we walk through these themes. What will our future look like? What do our works on earth mean? What are the implications of being the bride of Christ? This sermon dives into each of these questions and more.

Bride of Christ Part 1
2024-04-22 13:52:18

We have heard the church referred to as the Bride of Christ. This is the true marriage that all others are to reflect. What does this mean and how does the Jewish wedding structure help us understand some passages that refer to Christ and His Bride? The first part of this two-part series looks at the Arrangement and the Betrothal elements of a Jewish Wedding and helps us understand these implications as it applies to the church.
We have heard the church referred to as the Bride of Christ. This is the true marriage that all others are to reflect. What does this mean and how does the Jewish wedding structure help us understand some passages that refer to Christ and His Bride? The first part of this two-part series looks at the Arrangement and the Betrothal elements of a Jewish Wedding and helps us understand these implications as it applies to the church.

Nowe Stworzenie
2024-04-14 22:29:44

"Sinner", "Sins" and "Sin". We have all heard these words, but what do they mean and how are they different in the life of a believer? Is it possible for a follower of Jesus to lose their salvation? Zbyszek Maziarz explores these topics, as he dives into our identity in Jesus and how the gospel has completely changed our standing before God as a New Creation.
"Sinner", "Sins" and "Sin". We have all heard these words, but what do they mean and how are they different in the life of a believer? Is it possible for a follower of Jesus to lose their salvation? Zbyszek Maziarz explores these topics, as he dives into our identity in Jesus and how the gospel has completely changed our standing before God as a New Creation.

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