Nurtujące Pytania - SCh Wilanów

W kościele Społeczność Chrześcijańska Wilanów wierzymy, że Bóg nie boi się Twoich pytań. Co więcej, to On często sprawia, że pojawiają się w Twojej głowie.

Dlatego też tworzymy podcasty, które mamy nadzieję, że zainspirują Cię do szukania odpowiedzi na Nurtujące Pytania.

Odcinki od najnowszych:

Wolność w Jezusie
2024-04-13 19:10:51

Wolność w Jezusie by SCh Wilanów
Wolność w Jezusie by SCh Wilanów

Easter Sermon
2024-04-02 12:41:35

Easter is the story of the gospel and how Christ endured the cross because of the joy that was before Him. What was the joy before Him and how does the story of Easter become the motivation for the Christian life? This was the focus of our message as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ this Easter.
Easter is the story of the gospel and how Christ endured the cross because of the joy that was before Him. What was the joy before Him and how does the story of Easter become the motivation for the Christian life? This was the focus of our message as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ this Easter.

Gospel Basics- Our Identity: Servants
2024-03-25 13:23:52

In this final part of the Gospel Basics series, we understand better how we relate to Christ. Riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was the public announcement of His Kingship. Based on the prophecy in Zechariah 9 we look at the King, His Kingdom, His Covenant of Blood and our responsibilities as Servants of the King.
In this final part of the Gospel Basics series, we understand better how we relate to Christ. Riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was the public announcement of His Kingship. Based on the prophecy in Zechariah 9 we look at the King, His Kingdom, His Covenant of Blood and our responsibilities as Servants of the King.

Gospel Basics- Our Identity: Family Part 1: Adopted by the Father
2024-03-05 10:30:42

The Gospel changes the core of who we are and our identity changes with it. One of the most powerful doctrines is that of Adoption. In this sermon, we discuss what it means to be adopted by the Father and transition from one spiritual family into another.
The Gospel changes the core of who we are and our identity changes with it. One of the most powerful doctrines is that of Adoption. In this sermon, we discuss what it means to be adopted by the Father and transition from one spiritual family into another.

Gospel Basics- The Power of the Gospel Part 4: Your Future
2024-03-05 10:26:33

Currently, we struggle against the sins of the flesh, but one day we will be fully glorified and our flesh and spirit will be in harmony. Part 4 discusses how the gospel saves us from the Presence of Sin in the future.
Currently, we struggle against the sins of the flesh, but one day we will be fully glorified and our flesh and spirit will be in harmony. Part 4 discusses how the gospel saves us from the Presence of Sin in the future.

Gospel Basics- The Power of the Gospel Part 3: Your Present
2024-02-19 21:39:09

As followers of Jesus we all know the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. This sermon focuses on Romans 6 and how the gospel is the message that Christ has not only saved us from the penalty of sin, but also from the power of sin in our lives.
As followers of Jesus we all know the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. This sermon focuses on Romans 6 and how the gospel is the message that Christ has not only saved us from the penalty of sin, but also from the power of sin in our lives.

Gospel Basics- The Power of the Gospel Part 1: It's Importance
2024-02-15 11:32:41

The gospel is what makes Christianity stand out from all religions. Discover the difference between the gospel and religion.
The gospel is what makes Christianity stand out from all religions. Discover the difference between the gospel and religion.

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