Podcast Europejski

Podcast Europejski to aktualne wiadomości z Polski, Europy i świata. Najważniejsze wydarzenia polityczne, społeczne i kulturowe komentowane są przez dziennikarzy redakcji EURACTIV.pl oraz zaproszonych ekspertów.


Odcinki od najnowszych:

Poland in Focus: Press freedom under attack in Central and Eastern Europe?
2021-05-10 10:28:45

A free press is a core element of any functioning democracy. Yet the situation has worsened on all continents, as can be seen in the 2021 Reporters Without Borders ranking of press freedom. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a justification to further crackdown on journalistic independence. We invited Pavol Szalai, Head of EU/Balkans Desk at Reporters Without Borders, to discuss the press freedom situation in Europe with a special focus on the Eastern European region. The interview was conducted by Aleksandra Kuśnierkiewicz. Joanna Jakubowska was the publisher of this episode.
A free press is a core element of any functioning democracy. Yet the situation has worsened on all continents, as can be seen in the 2021 Reporters Without Borders ranking of press freedom. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a justification to further crackdown on journalistic independence. We invited Pavol Szalai, Head of EU/Balkans Desk at Reporters Without Borders, to discuss the press freedom situation in Europe with a special focus on the Eastern European region. The interview was conducted by Aleksandra Kuśnierkiewicz. Joanna Jakubowska was the publisher of this episode.

Why is “Hotel Rwanda” hero facing a trial? Interview with Carine Kanimba
2021-05-06 13:22:42

"For the past 20 years, my father has been telling the international community about the human rights violations in Rwanda. It is unfortunate that he too had to become a victim for the world to open their eyes”, says Carine Kanimba, daughter of Paul Rusesabagina. Paul Rusesabagina saved more than one thousand people during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Last year he was kidnapped and brought before the court in Kigali where he now faces charges of terrorism. Following up on our recent article, Maciej Bochajczuk talks with Paul Rusesabagina’s daughter, Carine Kanimba, about her family’s story, the growing international pressure on the Rwandan authorities and a long way towards post-genocide reconciliation.  This episode was prepared by Maciej Bochajczuk and Joanna Jakubowska.
"For the past 20 years, my father has been telling the international community about the human rights violations in Rwanda. It is unfortunate that he too had to become a victim for the world to open their eyes”, says Carine Kanimba, daughter of Paul Rusesabagina. Paul Rusesabagina saved more than one thousand people during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Last year he was kidnapped and brought before the court in Kigali where he now faces charges of terrorism. Following up on our recent article, Maciej Bochajczuk talks with Paul Rusesabagina’s daughter, Carine Kanimba, about her family’s story, the growing international pressure on the Rwandan authorities and a long way towards post-genocide reconciliation.  This episode was prepared by Maciej Bochajczuk and Joanna Jakubowska.

How to break the vicious circle of disinformation and fake news?
2021-05-03 15:40:53

What are the best tools to break the vicious circle of constantly proliferating disinformation and fake news? Find out in the latest episode of EURACTIV.pl's Disinformation Series. The editor-in-chief Karolina Zbytniewska talked to Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck, Founder and CEO of Lie Detectors, a news literacy project aims to turn schoolchildren in Europe into critical thinkers in a world increasingly populated by propaganda and distorted facts online.
What are the best tools to break the vicious circle of constantly proliferating disinformation and fake news? Find out in the latest episode of EURACTIV.pl's Disinformation Series. The editor-in-chief Karolina Zbytniewska talked to Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck, Founder and CEO of Lie Detectors, a news literacy project aims to turn schoolchildren in Europe into critical thinkers in a world increasingly populated by propaganda and distorted facts online.

Tydzień w skrócie: Zdrada stanu w Czechach? / Macron wkurza Francuzów / Walka o władzę w Mołdawii
2021-04-30 13:48:42

W najnowszym odcinku Podcastu Europejskiego dziennikarze redakcji EURACTIV.pl rozmawiali o najważniejszych wydarzeniach mijającego tygodnia: Francja znosi kolejne obostrzenia. Czterostopniowy plan odmrażania gospodarki https://www.euractiv.pl/section/zdrowie/news/koronawirus-francja-pandemia-macron-lockdown-gospodarka/ Czesi protestują przeciwko Milošowi Zemanowi. Prezydent zostanie oskarżony o zdradę stanu? https://www.euractiv.pl/section/polityka-zagraniczna-ue/news/czechy-protesty-prezydent-zeman-zdrada-stanu-wybuch-rosja/ Mołdawia: Trwa zacięta walka o władzę. W lipcu odbędą się przyspieszone wybory parlamentarne https://www.euractiv.pl/section/demokracja/news/moldawia-sandu-dodon-rosja-unia-europejska-nato-kiszyniow-wybory-rumunia/ Najwyższy sąd nakazuje Niemcom poprawę prawa klimatycznego Rada Ministrów ma przyjąć Krajowy Plan Odbudowy
W najnowszym odcinku Podcastu Europejskiego dziennikarze redakcji EURACTIV.pl rozmawiali o najważniejszych wydarzeniach mijającego tygodnia: Francja znosi kolejne obostrzenia. Czterostopniowy plan odmrażania gospodarki https://www.euractiv.pl/section/zdrowie/news/koronawirus-francja-pandemia-macron-lockdown-gospodarka/ Czesi protestują przeciwko Milošowi Zemanowi. Prezydent zostanie oskarżony o zdradę stanu? https://www.euractiv.pl/section/polityka-zagraniczna-ue/news/czechy-protesty-prezydent-zeman-zdrada-stanu-wybuch-rosja/ Mołdawia: Trwa zacięta walka o władzę. W lipcu odbędą się przyspieszone wybory parlamentarne https://www.euractiv.pl/section/demokracja/news/moldawia-sandu-dodon-rosja-unia-europejska-nato-kiszyniow-wybory-rumunia/ Najwyższy sąd nakazuje Niemcom poprawę prawa klimatycznego Rada Ministrów ma przyjąć Krajowy Plan Odbudowy

Poland in Focus: From liberal democracy to authoritarianism - Interview with Ombudsman Adam Bodnar
2021-04-16 10:49:45

Poland's politically compromised Constitutional Court has ruled a specific article of the Act on the Commissioner for Human Rights to be unconstitutional. In effect, the current Commissioner, Adam Bodnar, will be removed from office in three months and possibly replaced by a ruling camp loyalist. What does it mean for Polish democracy and human rights and is it only a part of a wider effort to increase government control of the media? Listen to the latest episode of Poland in focus series with Poland's Ombudsman Adam Bodnar. The interview was conducted by Karolina Zbytniewska, editor-in-chief of EURACTIV Poland.
Poland's politically compromised Constitutional Court has ruled a specific article of the Act on the Commissioner for Human Rights to be unconstitutional. In effect, the current Commissioner, Adam Bodnar, will be removed from office in three months and possibly replaced by a ruling camp loyalist. What does it mean for Polish democracy and human rights and is it only a part of a wider effort to increase government control of the media? Listen to the latest episode of Poland in focus series with Poland's Ombudsman Adam Bodnar. The interview was conducted by Karolina Zbytniewska, editor-in-chief of EURACTIV Poland.

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