Around IT in 256 seconds

Podcast for developers, testers, SREs... and their managers. I explain complex and convoluted technologies in a clear way, avoiding buzzwords and hype. Never longer than 4 minutes and 16 seconds. Because software development does not require hours of lectures, dev advocates' slide decks and hand waving. For those of you, who want to combat FOMO, while brushing your teeth. 256 seconds is plenty of time. If I can't explain something within this time frame, it's either too complex, or I don't understand it myself.
By Tomasz Nurkiewicz. Java Champion, CTO, trainer, O'Reilly author, blogger
#87: Artificial neural networks: imitating human brain to solve problems like humans
2022-09-27 10:00:58
An artificial neural network is a computer algorithm somewhat inspired by our brains. Superficially, our brain is a network of neurons connected with each other and communicating via electrical impulses. Artificial intelligence experts implemented a similar concept purely in software. An artificial neuron is basically a function that takes a set of inputs and has an output. Just like the biological one. By connecting hundreds of such neurons in a network, we can observe quite intelligent behaviours. For example, artificial neural networks can recognize what’s in the image. Or quite the opposite - generate images from text.
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#86: Proof of stake: how to cut global energy usage by 0.2%
2022-09-19 22:07:45
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#85: Genetic algorithm: natural selection helps to solve coding problems
2022-09-13 23:27:09
A genetic algorithm is a heuristic approach to solving complex computational problems. This includes various optimizations, especially around scheduling and design. For example, NASA designed a radio antenna for their spacecraft using a genetic algorithm. Its shape is quite complicated, like nothing that could be designed by hand. So how do genetic algorithms work their way to the solution? Well, they are inspired by the natural selection process in living creatures (!)
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#84: Non-fungible token (NFT): digital, decentralized art market
2022-08-29 22:39:57
Non-fungible tokens, NFTs for short, are financial instruments implemented on top of the blockchain. They can be bought and sold, just like cryptocurrencies. However, unlike bitcoins, each NFT is unique and traded individually. Whereas Bitcoins or ether are interchangeable, just like hundred-dollar bills. So what makes each NFT unique? Why would you purchase this particular NFT rather than the other one? Well, an NFT has an associated piece of data. That data is typically a hyperlink to a digital piece of art. What you actually purchase is… well… that link?
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#83: Real-time bidding: how online tracking helps serving ads
2022-08-23 23:08:46
We all know this feeling. You search for a hotel in Paris and you keep getting ads for hotels and flights for weeks to come. Or something even scarier. You visit a blog post highlighting the first symptoms of a pregnancy. An hour later every single website on the planet advertises diapers and baby formulas. How is that possible? How do they know? And how did we get into this dystopia? All of this became possible with real-time bidding. The billion-dollar industry that tracks our every movement.
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#82: MongoDB: the most popular NoSQL database
2022-08-16 21:58:57
MongoDB is a NoSQL database. Precisey speaking, it’s a document-oriented database. It stores arbitrarily complex key-value objects. For example, in a single Car object you can store as much information as you want. Not only license plate or manufacturing year. But also information about each individual part, history of repairs, insurance and all owners. No matter how much information you want to keep, you just put that in a single, easily accessible document. Contrast that to relational databases, where each relationship has to be modelled as a separate table. So the same Car would have been spread across tens of tables. Imagine all these SQL JOINs! No wonder why MongoDB is one of the most popular databases.
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#81: Quarkus: supersonic, subatomic Java (guest: Holly Cummins)
2022-08-05 08:38:54
Quarkus is supersonic, subatomic Java. What does that mean? It means it’s Java, but really, really small. And really, really fast. Quarkus is a runtime framework which gives you access to programming models you’re probably familiar with. Like Microprofile, JAX-RS, CDI dependency injection. And also access you’re probably less familiar with, like reactive programming.
Author: Holly Cummins
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#80: Ethereum: a distributed virtual machine for exchanging money and bored apes
2022-07-04 23:49:38
Ethereum is a network of computers with no central trusted authority. They achieve consensus by running computation-intensive algorithm, known as proof-of-work. The agreed state is added to an append only ledger, known as blockchain. Yes, Ethereum is yet another blockchain. And it’s used to track transactions in a cryptocurrency, known as Ether. However, unlike Bitcoin, it’s much more than a simple log. Bitcoin accounts simply hold currency. Ethereum accounts can run programs as well. Ethereum network is actually one, huge computer!
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#79: QUIC: what makes HTTP/3 faster
2022-06-30 09:02:58
QUIC can be thought of as the third fundamental protocol of the Internet. Next to UDP and TCP/IP. Let’s talk a little bit about these two. They both build upon IP, Internet Protocol. IP supports exchanging packets of data between two machines having… IP addresses. UDP adds ports. Port is a logical concept. It’s simply a number within one machine that identifies a certain process. Thanks to ports, many different processes on the same machine can exchange data.
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#78: Stuxnet: computer virus that you can admire
2022-06-20 23:42:49
Stuxnet was probably one of the most sophisticated pieces of software ever built. I can easily imagine a Hollywood movie about it. A computer program that could change the course of history. Ironically, Stuxnet was a computer virus. A virus that infected 200 thousand machines. But activated and damaged only on a fraction of that.
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