Around IT in 256 seconds

Podcast for developers, testers, SREs... and their managers. I explain complex and convoluted technologies in a clear way, avoiding buzzwords and hype. Never longer than 4 minutes and 16 seconds. Because software development does not require hours of lectures, dev advocates' slide decks and hand waving. For those of you, who want to combat FOMO, while brushing your teeth. 256 seconds is plenty of time. If I can't explain something within this time frame, it's either too complex, or I don't understand it myself.
By Tomasz Nurkiewicz. Java Champion, CTO, trainer, O'Reilly author, blogger
#77: DDoS: take down a server, one request at a time
2022-06-13 22:10:32
Denial-of-service attack tries to take down a server by sending specially-crafted requests. The simplest form of this attack is just sending a lot of requests in a short period of time. But more sophisticated methods are possible. For example, sending a single unusual request that overwhelms the server. One such example is a ZIP bomb, that I’ll explain later. But the most widespread technique requires a large number of attacking servers. Also known as distributed denial-of-service. DDoS for short.
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#76: 12th Factor App: portable and resilient services start here. Part 8-12/12
2022-06-06 21:51:54
In part 2 of the Twelve-Factor App, we’ll explore the second half of the principles. Be sure to listen to the previous episode as well. We still have only four minutes, so let’s go!
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#75: 12th Factor App: portable and resilient services start here. Part 1-7/12
2022-05-31 09:19:38
Twelve-Factor App is a set of design guidelines defined by Heroku. These guidelines are best suited for cloud-native, portable and resilient services. In this episode, I’ll explain the first seven principles. I have four minutes left, so let’s go!
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#74: SOAP: (not really) Simple Object Access Protocol
2022-05-16 22:04:20
SOAP, formerly known as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a messaging standard. SOAP is very broad and general. Technically, it can support request-response, as well as fire-and-forget communication. The underlying protocol is typically HTTP, but there’s nothing against using message brokers. Or even good old SMTP. You know, the one for exchanging e-mails. The communication happens through XML messages. These messages are well-defined and structured. XML schema is agreed upon before any communication.
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#73: Neo4j: all your data as a graph?
2022-05-10 07:43:20
Neo4j is a NoSQL database engine. What makes it different is the unusual data model. In Neo4j everything is modelled as a graph. A graph is a collection of nodes connected with edges. A typical example is a graph of friends on a social media website. Or a network of movies and actors. But it turns out many problems can be efficiently modelled as graphs. Like a customer having orders, each order has items. Or insurance, connected to a certain car and an accident. So what makes Neo4j special?
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#72: React.js: library that won frontends?
2022-05-06 10:51:55
React.js is a JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. React applications are built on top of reusable components. Components encapsulate look and feel, logic and state. Also, React has quite an advanced state propagation mechanism. In simple words, it means that the user interface is very responsive and consistent. To improve developer experience, React typically uses JSX. An extension to JavaScript language. Let’s dive deeper into why React.js became the most popular web framework. Or library. Or both. Depends who you ask.
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#71: Erlang: let it crash!
2022-04-26 09:51:47
Erlang is a programming language designed for highly scalable, fault-tolerant systems. Its primary use case used to be telecommunication. But these days it powers some of the biggest distributed systems. For example, half-billion WhatsApp users. The unique features of Erlang allow it to achieve amazing availability. A typical enterprise system may be unavailable for, let's say, a few hours per year. This means 99.9% availability. Systems written in Erlang may even reach so-called nine nines. Or 99.9999999%. It means the system is unavailable for less than 31 milliseconds. Per year. How is that possible?
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#70: CRDT: Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (guest: Martin Kleppmann)
2022-04-12 08:53:09
Hello everyone! My name is Martin Kleppmann. I’m a researcher at the University of Cambridge. And I would like to tell you briefly about the technology called CRDTs. So, CRDT stands for Conflict-free Replicated Data Type. It’s a type of data structure that you can use to build collaboration software. So think software like Google Docs for example. Or Figma. Or Trello. Or a TODO list that syncs between your computer and your phone. You can build this type of software using CRDTs.
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#69: DevOps: not a job position, but culture and mindset
2022-02-14 23:53:12
DevOps is a movement to bridge the gap between developers and operations teams. Traditionally, these two groups were separate and rarely interacted with each other. Developers didn’t quite understand how software is deployed and managed. Operation teams, on the other hand, treated software as a black box. DevOps encourages synergy between these two roles. Developers should take responsibility for their software. Including how it runs and behaves on production. Ops should understand the software they run. But more importantly, they should adopt well-established software engineering principles. For example, automation, auditing, testing, and fast feedback. Ideally, devs and ops should work together in a single team, toward a common goal.
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#68: ACID transactions: don't corrupt your data
2022-02-01 08:20:28
Transactions in SQL databases are rock-solid. By reading and modifying data within a transaction we limit the risk of data corruption. Actually, there’s an acronym describing transactions: ACID. Which stands for: atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. A good database engine follows these properties religiously. NoSQL engines, on the other hand, trade ACID properties for availability or speed. Of course, this is a gross simplification. Anyways, NoSQL crowd coined another acronym: BASE. Which stands for: basically available, soft state and eventually consistent. We’ll leave BASE for another episode.
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