Around IT in 256 seconds

Podcast for developers, testers, SREs... and their managers. I explain complex and convoluted technologies in a clear way, avoiding buzzwords and hype. Never longer than 4 minutes and 16 seconds. Because software development does not require hours of lectures, dev advocates' slide decks and hand waving. For those of you, who want to combat FOMO, while brushing your teeth. 256 seconds is plenty of time. If I can't explain something within this time frame, it's either too complex, or I don't understand it myself.
By Tomasz Nurkiewicz. Java Champion, CTO, trainer, O'Reilly author, blogger
#27: Proof-of-work algorithm in blockchain
2020-12-29 09:47:58
Let’s try to cheat the blockchain. If my wallet has exactly one bitcoin, I can’t spend it twice. Once it’s written into an immutable blockchain, everyone knows my wallet is empty. However, what if I purposefully create and announce two blocks at the same time. With the same parent block. For example, in one of the blocks there’s a 1 bitcoin from my wallet spent on drugs. In the other block I spent that same bitcoin on unlicensed firearms. You know, things you do with cryptocurrencies. There are two competing blocks, each having a different version of the history. There is no central database so the blockchain network has no way of figuring out which block is valid and which is not. Well, they both technically are.
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#26: Blockchain
2020-12-22 01:13:38
Blockchain is a technology used for storing data without a central database. Data is organized in an ever-growing list of blocks with each block referencing the previous one. Like a linked list. Once a block is added to this list, it can’t be modified. The integrity is guaranteed by including a cryptographic hash of the previous block. If the previous block changes, all subsequent blocks need to change as well. You can’t simply modify history. This is similar to the operations on your bank account. However, the idea behind the blockchain is to maintain integrity without a central authority, like a bank. Data is distributed among peers. No node is distinguished and some number of nodes can even be hostile. Blockchain tolerates up to 50% of nodes purposefully trying to cheat the system. Everything happens using peer-to-peer network with no central backbone whatsoever. At what cost all of this can be achieved?
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#25: High-frequency trading
2020-12-15 00:02:29
According to some estimates, even half of the trading volume in the American stock exchange is generated by computers. Specifically, computer programs that make trading decisions in a split of a second. They may buy stock to sell it a few milliseconds later. With very minimal profit, this process repeated thousands of times per day can make a solid return. How do such systems work? There are multiple strategies, but most of them require extremely fast algorithms running close to the physical stock exchange. The speed is crucial and that’s what makes HFT so interesting. A trading bot can easily read social media and within microseconds decide whether particular news is good or bad. That can lead to a stock going up or down. For example, a president tweets about a new special tax relief for the pharmaceutical industry. A computer program almost instantaneously buys some stocks from the pharma companies and sells them seconds later. Before other computers do the same. Human traders stand no chance.
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#24: Service discovery
2020-12-08 22:42:24
In the old days an application consisted of a monolithic backend and a database. Once they were deployed their location never changed. So the only piece of configuration was the address of the database almost hardcoded into the monolith. These days an application is split into hundreds of microservices talking to each other. Probably too many services, probably talking too much. But that’s a different story. Anyway, the environment became much more dynamic. Services come and go, orchestration frameworks are deploying them on different machines all the time. TCP/IP ports are random, instances are scaled up and down frequently. Sometimes automatically. New hosts are provisioned, old ones are shut down. Whole data centers are added. Under such circumstances we can no longer hard-code anything. When one service wants to talk to the other, it must somehow figure out where that service currently lives. It needs a mechanism to dynamically discover that service in an ever-changing environment.
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#23: Garbage collection
2020-12-01 00:00:03
Creating new objects, arrays or strings is so straightforward that we often forget what happens underneath. And I don’t mean trying to figure out what this refers to in JavaScript objects. I mean: memory management. On each request we create a ton of objects. A server can easily allocate hundreds of megabytes of memory. Per second. Memory is cheap and there’s a lot of it. But it’s not infinite. How come we can simply call new Object() over and over again, taking more and more memory from our computer? Many objects are no longer needed a few milliseconds after they’re created. What happens to the memory they occupy? We take for granted what was thought to be almost impossible: automatic memory management.
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#22: Moore's Law
2020-11-24 00:06:06
It's a common misconception that Moore's law is dead. That's because many believe it's about the speed of a CPU. But in reality Gordon Moore meant the number of transistors, not the clock frequency. And also, it's now even a law. Just an observation that holds true after half a century. OK, so what does this "law" state? Gordon Moore, before co-founding Intel, noticed that the number of transistors in a CPU doubles every two years. This means exponential growth. Which is a lot. So why are these transistors important?
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#21: SSE and WebSockets
2020-11-03 22:59:25
HTTP is historically request-response-driven. This means a server is idle as long as no-one asks it to do something. Typically fetching data or accepting some form. In reality, we’d often like to receive data from the server without any request. Typically to subscribe for some server-side updates. For example, displaying a current price on the stock exchange that changes many times per second. Or when waiting for some asynchronous process to complete. Traditionally this could be achieved with a few hacks. The most obvious and the worst one is busy-waiting. You simply keep asking the server over and over again periodically. More frequent requests result in a lot of excessive network traffic. Less frequent requests increase latency, so it’s no longer real-time communication.
A slightly smarter approach is long-polling. In this implementation, you periodically ask the server whether there is some new data. To avoid excessive round-trips, the server doesn’t respond until some update is available. Or, after a timeout, it sends back an empty response and the loop continues.
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#20: Chaos engineering
2020-10-27 00:00:00
We tend to focus on testing happy paths and expected edge cases. But how do you make sure that your system can survive minor infrastructure and network failures, as well as application bugs? Especially in microservice or serverless environment, where there are tons of moving parts. I've seen too many times systems that fail miserably because some minor dependency was malfunctioning. For example, you have a tiny service that displays a small social widget on your website. When that service is down, the rest of the website should work. But without proper care and testing, you may end up with global HTTP 503 failure. Code reviews and unit tests are fine, but the ultimate test is... turning off that service on production. And making sure the rest actually works. This is called chaos engineering.
Believe it or not, many organizations do practice deliberately injecting faults into production. Now, turning off a service's instance on production is probably the easiest test you can conduct. The client must catch an exception and handle the failure gracefully. Sometimes by retrying, hoping to reach another healthy instance. Sometimes by returning a fallback value that's less relevant or up-to-date. Ideally, the end-user should not realize one of the services is down. Of course, that would mean that a failed service is not needed at all and can be shut down forever. So in practice, we expect visible, but insignificant degrade in service quality.
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#19: GraalVM
2020-10-20 00:53:37
GraalVM is a set of tools that aim to improve the performance and interoperability of Java Virtual Machine. Taking advantage of GraalVM not only makes your apps run faster. It also allows running different languages like JavaScript or Python with superb speed. GraalVM consists of quite a few projects, so let's dive in. The most groundbreaking technology is the JIT compiler. To recap, JIT is responsible for translating abstract bytecode into low-level machine code. JIT is the reason why Java is actually quite fast these days. Your code is compiled behind the scenes into heavily optimized CPU instructions. Unfortunately, this wonderful piece of software was buried deeply in Java VM.
The JIT codebase in C++ turned out to be too complex to maintain anymore. So someone thought: what if we rewrite JIT compiler in Java? Sounds crazy. But as a matter of fact, JIT is essentially a pure function that takes bytecode as input and returning machine code as output. Byte array in, byte array out. That's how GraalVM was born. Now you can plug-in a JIT compiler written in Java to a JVM. Suddenly the codebase became much more maintainable and developer friendly. GraalVM's JIT compiler quickly outperformed legacy JIT compiler. Essentially it is now much easier to write optimized machine code generation. But it turned out this was just the beginning.
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#18: JIT - Just-in-time compilation
2020-10-13 00:00:00
Source code can then be executed in two ways. Language implementations in general either interpret or compile it. In order to run an interpreted program, you need one extra binary: an interpreter. Interpretation is simple: you read source code line by line and execute it. The compilation is much harder. A special program called a compiler reads your source code ahead of time (AOT) and translates it into machine code. After this translation your program is standalone. You don't need a compiler to run it. Only you and your CPU.
Turns out this distinction is not that clear at all these days. Almost every language implementation performs compilation behind the scenes. And many languages that have a compiler produce code that needs an interpreter anyway. What?
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