Polski Daily

This show is for students of Polish as a foreign language. It covers various topics from Polish language - phrases, grammar, use to Polish culture, history and every day life in Poland. (Also my life as Polish expat/emigrant in Egypt, Spain and USA)

Do you want more episodes? There are 9 more episodes in my new online course "Kontrowersyjne tematy" Sign up here: www.polskidaily.eu/kurs-kontrowersyjne-tematy

Do you understand only 50 % of the episodes? Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary. You can get a full access to them and all my other resources on my website:


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Odcinki od najnowszych:

PD014 Wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Krakowa! Rozmowa z Dominiką Zębalą przewodnikiem po Krakowie.
2018-03-04 09:25:07

Who will run in Kraków like a "chicken with head cut off"? Why learning a language cannot be just about gaming? What book should you read in Polish next? In this episode I talk with Dominika Zębala, a city guide, Middle East fan and an active language learner and.... my friend! :) Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary. Now you can buy all available transcripts in a bulk: Click here to get them : https://sowl.co/ivig4
Who will run in Kraków like a "chicken with head cut off"? Why learning a language cannot be just about gaming? What book should you read in Polish next? In this episode I talk with Dominika Zębala, a city guide, Middle East fan and an active language learner and.... my friend! :)

Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary.
Now you can buy all available transcripts in a bulk:

Click here to get them : https://sowl.co/ivig4

PD013 Polski prysznic. Kto potrzebuje stereotypów?
2018-02-27 16:26:59

Polish people are thieves and drinkers. Arabs are lazy and Spanish never work. In this episode I talk about stereotypes about Polish people and what we think about other nations. I also give a thought to the idea why do we need stereotypes at all? I would love to discuss it with you so please comment or send me emails : paulina@polskidaily.eu Cheers!
Polish people are thieves and drinkers. Arabs are lazy and Spanish never work. In this episode I talk about stereotypes about Polish people and what we think about other nations. I also give a thought to the idea why do we need stereotypes at all? I would love to discuss it with you so please comment or send me emails : paulina@polskidaily.eu Cheers!

PD012 Rowerem przez Afrykę - Kazimierz Nowak
2018-02-19 12:49:44

In this episode I am telling you about a great adventurer and cyclist Kazimierz Nowak. Listen what he achieved and practice your listening skill! Also visit me on www.polskidaily.eu where you can find plenty of exercises and other podcasts (aslo for beginners).
In this episode I am telling you about a great adventurer and cyclist Kazimierz Nowak. Listen what he achieved and practice your listening skill! Also visit me on www.polskidaily.eu where you can find plenty of exercises and other podcasts (aslo for beginners).

PD011 Rozmowa z Denysem Zaiatsem uczniem języka polskiego i twórcą aplikacji MobiCastle
2018-02-04 11:20:45

In this episode I talk to Denys Zaiats, a student of mine, a fan of Poland and languages and a creator of MobiCastle - an app which guides you to castles of Poland (and other countries). We discuss Poland as a place to live for foreigners, ways of learning Polish and other languages when living abroad. In the end of the episode I analyse a couple of main mistakes you can hear in the recording. You can also make notes and write them down in the comments so we can discuss them together! Visit my page www.polskidaily.eu to discover more and more exercises and book your classes with me!
In this episode I talk to Denys Zaiats, a student of mine, a fan of Poland and languages and a creator of MobiCastle - an app which guides you to castles of Poland (and other countries). We discuss Poland as a place to live for foreigners, ways of learning Polish and other languages when living abroad. In the end of the episode I analyse a couple of main mistakes you can hear in the recording. You can also make notes and write them down in the comments so we can discuss them together! Visit my page www.polskidaily.eu to discover more and more exercises and book your classes with me!

PD010 Spójnik żeby
2018-01-25 10:21:03

In this podcast I explain a not so intuitive Polish conjunction "żeby" which introduces a purpose subordinate sentence (zdanie podrzędne celu). Shownotes with transcription in Polish and in English can be found on my website www.polskidaily.eu
In this podcast I explain a not so intuitive Polish conjunction "żeby" which introduces a purpose subordinate sentence (zdanie podrzędne celu). Shownotes with transcription in Polish and in English can be found on my website www.polskidaily.eu

PD 009: Z deszczu pod rynnę, czyli o tym jak szukałam pracy na studiach w Krakowie
2018-01-21 12:37:33

Intermediate / Advanced In this episode I tell you the story of my "career" as a student who always (almost!) was unlucky with employment. You can use the expression from the title - " Z deszczu pod rynnę" when you were in bad situation, you wanted to improve it but you made a bad choice and you found yourself in even worse situation. Enjoy the podcast and let me know you listened - leave me a comment :) Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary. Now you can buy all available transcripts in a bulk: Click here to get them : https://sowl.co/ivig4
Intermediate / Advanced In this episode I tell you the story of my "career" as a student who always (almost!) was unlucky with employment. You can use the expression from the title - " Z deszczu pod rynnę" when you were in bad situation, you wanted to improve it but you made a bad choice and you found yourself in even worse situation.

Enjoy the podcast and let me know you listened - leave me a comment :)

Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary.
Now you can buy all available transcripts in a bulk:

Click here to get them : https://sowl.co/ivig4

PD008: Dzieciństwo na polskiej prowincji w latach 90-tych
2018-01-15 20:08:01

Intermediate/Advanced In this week episone I am telling you about my childhood in Polish town and what was typical for growing up in that place and that time! Enjoy and look for the transcript in upcoming week on my page www.polskidaily.eu
Intermediate/Advanced In this week episone I am telling you about my childhood in Polish town and what was typical for growing up in that place and that time! Enjoy and look for the transcript in upcoming week on my page www.polskidaily.eu

PD 007: Skandaliczny obraz "Szał uniesień" i smutne życie jego autora
2018-01-08 13:49:21

Intermediate. This podcast is about Władysław Podkowiński, a young artist from XIX who painted one of the most famous, intriguing Polish painings "Szał uniesień" Transcript is now available on my page http://www.polskidaily.eu/pd007 . Read more about the topic here: https://www.polskieradio.pl/39/156/Artykul/829077,Wladyslaw-Podkowinski-czyli-Szal-uniesien http://niezlasztuka.net/o-sztuce/wladyslaw-podkowinski-konwalia/
Intermediate. This podcast is about Władysław Podkowiński, a young artist from XIX who painted one of the most famous, intriguing Polish painings "Szał uniesień" Transcript is now available on my page http://www.polskidaily.eu/pd007 .

Read more about the topic here:

PD006: Jak wycieczka do Oazy na pustynię pomogła mi w nauce arabskiego (i inne historie)
2018-01-04 11:22:24

Advanced / Intermediate podcast. In this episode I talk about my trip to Siwa Oasis in Egypt with a group of Egyptians and how it influenced on my Egyptian Arabic. I also share some short stories of what happened during the trip. I hope you like it - if you do please comment because it helps others to discover my podcast and visit my page: www.polskidaily.eu ! Thanks!
Advanced / Intermediate podcast. In this episode I talk about my trip to Siwa Oasis in Egypt with a group of Egyptians and how it influenced on my Egyptian Arabic. I also share some short stories of what happened during the trip. I hope you like it - if you do please comment because it helps others to discover my podcast and visit my page: www.polskidaily.eu ! Thanks!

PD005: O tym jak Helena Modrzejewska zrobiła karierę w USA
2017-12-28 11:52:04

This podcast is for beginners and intermediate students about Polish famous actress who achieved a great success in USA.
This podcast is for beginners and intermediate students about Polish famous actress who achieved a great success in USA.

Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

