WaysConf Podcast

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[PL] Research repository - How NOT to fail | Pianka & Kowalczyk | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:09:28

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! How often have you been told that investing in a research repository isn’t worth it? Undoubtedly, this is a hot topic in the ResearchOps community, and many companies are struggling with knowledge management. At Appfire, we established a research repository to track, analyze, and summarize our findings while working on the BigPicture PPM app. We’d be happy to discuss our results with anyone considering how to centralize their data meaningfully. We’ll walk you through our process of creating such a repository and show you all the problems and challenges we encountered.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

How often have you been told that investing in a research repository isn’t worth it? Undoubtedly, this is a hot topic in the ResearchOps community, and many companies are struggling with knowledge management. At Appfire, we established a research repository to track, analyze, and summarize our findings while working on the BigPicture PPM app. We’d be happy to discuss our results with anyone considering how to centralize their data meaningfully. We’ll walk you through our process of creating such a repository and show you all the problems and challenges we encountered.

[ENG] Ethics in Digital Design: Making informed and responsible decisions | Alexandra Mihai | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:09:21

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! In this presentation, we will dive into the topic of design ethics and how it affects the work of designers in the digital world. We will start by defining design ethics and exploring why it is so essential in today's digital design landscape. We will then take a closer look at the different levels of decision-making that designers encounter and the ethical responsibilities and consequences that come with them. We will look at examples of how ethical considerations can impact design decisions and discuss strategies for navigating ethical dilemmas in your work. Moreover, we’ll analyse dark patterns and unethical design practices. Towards the end, we’ll understand how ethical design principles can positively impact user experiences and build trust with users and other stakeholders. By the end of this presentation, you'll come away with practical strategies for implementing ethical design principles in your work and a better understanding of how ethical considerations can enhance the effectiveness of your designs.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

In this presentation, we will dive into the topic of design ethics and how it affects the work of designers in the digital world. We will start by defining design ethics and exploring why it is so essential in today's digital design landscape. We will then take a closer look at the different levels of decision-making that designers encounter and the ethical responsibilities and consequences that come with them.

We will look at examples of how ethical considerations can impact design decisions and discuss strategies for navigating ethical dilemmas in your work. Moreover, we’ll analyse dark patterns and unethical design practices. Towards the end, we’ll understand how ethical design principles can positively impact user experiences and build trust with users and other stakeholders.

By the end of this presentation, you'll come away with practical strategies for implementing ethical design principles in your work and a better understanding of how ethical considerations can enhance the effectiveness of your designs.

[ENG] The Sweet Taste of Success: Launching Augmented Reality Experiences with Low-Code | Foster & Janes | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:09:14

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! The Sweet Taste of Success: Launching Augmented Reality Experiences with Low-Code Join us to hear how we used low-code technology to design, build and launch an unforgettable activation for a popular global confectionary brand. / As 3D and augmented reality become ubiquitous in modern web design, it’s becoming more important than ever to understand how these technologies can be embedded into your work. / In this talk, discover how we blurred the line between physical and digital, how we created a fun, educational experience to launch a brand new retail product, and learn about the benefits of using tools like Webflow to launch quickly and iterate often in this space.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

The Sweet Taste of Success: Launching Augmented Reality Experiences with Low-Code

Join us to hear how we used low-code technology to design, build and launch an unforgettable activation for a popular global confectionary brand. / As 3D and augmented reality become ubiquitous in modern web design, it’s becoming more important than ever to understand how these technologies can be embedded into your work. / In this talk, discover how we blurred the line between physical and digital, how we created a fun, educational experience to launch a brand new retail product, and learn about the benefits of using tools like Webflow to launch quickly and iterate often in this space.

[PL] Twój as z rękawa jest w przeglądarce: DevTools dla projektantów | Patryk Szymanski | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:08:56

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!O czym?O tym, że jedno z najważniejszych narzędzi pracy UX Designera jest darmowe i kryje się w… przeglądarce.Jako osoby projektujące nie wykorzystujemy pełnego potencjału narzędzi deweloperskich (DevTools w Chrome, Web Inspector w Safari). Są dostępne na wyciągniecie ręki, a jednak korzystamy z nich rzadko, zwykle tylko z kilku podstawowych funkcji.Pokaże m.in. jak:- edytować stronę jak dokument tekstowy- ustawić symulację wolnego internetu, aby przekonać osoby decyzyjne, że może warto popracować nad wagą obrazów- wyłączyć stylowanie, żeby zbadać dostępność- szybko pokazać szefowi jak strona będzie wyglądać w innych kolorach- zrobić izolowany screenshot tylko jednego elementu i szybko przekleić do Figmy- ściągać potrzebne pliki- i wiele więcej…# Dlaczego chce o tym mówić?Mówiąc o narzędziach deweloperskich zwykle skupiamy się na tym, jak korzystają z nich programiści i testerzy. Nie mówimy o tym, że są to równie przydatne narzędzia dla projektantów.Chcę pokazać, że osoby projektujące mogą zaoszczędzić czas edytując i testując “na produkcji”. To nie jedyna korzyść. Korzystanie z narzędzi deweloperskich pozytywnie wpływa na jakość pracy z programistami i programistkami, dzięki czemu tworzymy lepsze produkty.Z mojego doświadczenia wynika, że projektanci (szczególnie początkujący, ale nie tylko) boją się tego, co związane z kodem, czują, że jest to za techniczne.Chciałbym odczarować ten mit i pokazać, że jest to łatwe, przyjemne, i co najważniejsze – przydatna. Misją tego wystąpienia jest obniżenie progu wejścia do korzystania narzędzi deweloperskich przeglądarki.Wyniki mojego kwestionariusza przeprowadzonego na grupie FB “Product & UX Design PL” wskazują, że więcej niż połowa ankietowanych osób zna tylko kilka funkcji narzędzi deweloperskich.Moja prezentacja trafi nie tylko do osób początkujących, ale również do tych, które chcą rozwinąć swoje umiejętności.# Co z tego wyciągną słuchacze?W tej prezentacji pokażę jak dzięki narzędziom deweloperskim:- lepiej komunikować się z deweloperami- przedstawiać pomysły i rozwiązania interesariuszom- testować na produkcji bez angażowania deweloperów- poprawić dostępność swoich projektówSkupię się tych mniej oczywistych funkcjach, aby również zaawansowani projektanci mogli znaleźć coś dla siebie.Z myślą o osobach zupełnie początkujących omówię, jak bez wcześniejszego przygotowania projektanci mogą wykorzystać proste funkcje narzędzi deweloperskich w codziennej pracy.Każdą funkcję opiszę na realnych przykładach z mojej pracy.Na koniec publiczność otrzyma stworzoną przeze mnie listę przydatnych funkcji narzędzi deweloperskich, aby przećwiczyć nowe umiejętności w praktyce.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!O czym?O tym, że jedno z najważniejszych narzędzi pracy UX Designera jest darmowe i kryje się w… przeglądarce.Jako osoby projektujące nie wykorzystujemy pełnego potencjału narzędzi deweloperskich (DevTools w Chrome, Web Inspector w Safari). Są dostępne na wyciągniecie ręki, a jednak korzystamy z nich rzadko, zwykle tylko z kilku podstawowych funkcji.Pokaże m.in. jak:- edytować stronę jak dokument tekstowy- ustawić symulację wolnego internetu, aby przekonać osoby decyzyjne, że może warto popracować nad wagą obrazów- wyłączyć stylowanie, żeby zbadać dostępność- szybko pokazać szefowi jak strona będzie wyglądać w innych kolorach- zrobić izolowany screenshot tylko jednego elementu i szybko przekleić do Figmy- ściągać potrzebne pliki- i wiele więcej…# Dlaczego chce o tym mówić?Mówiąc o narzędziach deweloperskich zwykle skupiamy się na tym, jak korzystają z nich programiści i testerzy. Nie mówimy o tym, że są to równie przydatne narzędzia dla projektantów.Chcę pokazać, że osoby projektujące mogą zaoszczędzić czas edytując i testując “na produkcji”. To nie jedyna korzyść. Korzystanie z narzędzi deweloperskich pozytywnie wpływa na jakość pracy z programistami i programistkami, dzięki czemu tworzymy lepsze produkty.Z mojego doświadczenia wynika, że projektanci (szczególnie początkujący, ale nie tylko) boją się tego, co związane z kodem, czują, że jest to za techniczne.Chciałbym odczarować ten mit i pokazać, że jest to łatwe, przyjemne, i co najważniejsze – przydatna. Misją tego wystąpienia jest obniżenie progu wejścia do korzystania narzędzi deweloperskich przeglądarki.Wyniki mojego kwestionariusza przeprowadzonego na grupie FB “Product & UX Design PL” wskazują, że więcej niż połowa ankietowanych osób zna tylko kilka funkcji narzędzi deweloperskich.Moja prezentacja trafi nie tylko do osób początkujących, ale również do tych, które chcą rozwinąć swoje umiejętności.# Co z tego wyciągną słuchacze?W tej prezentacji pokażę jak dzięki narzędziom deweloperskim:- lepiej komunikować się z deweloperami- przedstawiać pomysły i rozwiązania interesariuszom- testować na produkcji bez angażowania deweloperów- poprawić dostępność swoich projektówSkupię się tych mniej oczywistych funkcjach, aby również zaawansowani projektanci mogli znaleźć coś dla siebie.Z myślą o osobach zupełnie początkujących omówię, jak bez wcześniejszego przygotowania projektanci mogą wykorzystać proste funkcje narzędzi deweloperskich w codziennej pracy.Każdą funkcję opiszę na realnych przykładach z mojej pracy.Na koniec publiczność otrzyma stworzoną przeze mnie listę przydatnych funkcji narzędzi deweloperskich, aby przećwiczyć nowe umiejętności w praktyce.

[PL] Who do you fight for? User vs business. | Wojciech Łuczkanyn | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:57

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! It's really hard to escape from a user perspective in the product industry. And there is a proper reason for that - a product without users does not make any sense (obvious, isn't it?). But on the other side, business stakeholders often require results measured as a monetary gain. During my presentation I would like to tell you: - how to comprise user and business goals - what expectations you can have towards your stakeholders - how you as a product person can prove your impact on the business Why do I want to talk about it? I think it's the most common struggle within product teams that I've been working with so far - that they develop the product, but they can't prove that they have improved anything to the business side. I reckon it is truly important to understand the bigger picture between goals structure within an organization to work efficiently. Once you have that you can contribute even more to the business success alongside taking care of users too.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

It's really hard to escape from a user perspective in the product industry. And there is a proper reason for that - a product without users does not make any sense (obvious, isn't it?). But on the other side, business stakeholders often require results measured as a monetary gain.

During my presentation I would like to tell you:

- how to comprise user and business goals

- what expectations you can have towards your stakeholders

- how you as a product person can prove your impact on the business

Why do I want to talk about it?

I think it's the most common struggle within product teams that I've been working with so far - that they develop the product, but they can't prove that they have improved anything to the business side. I reckon it is truly important to understand the bigger picture between goals structure within an organization to work efficiently. Once you have that you can contribute even more to the business success alongside taking care of users too.

[ENG] The power of personalization in the digital customer experience | Andy Kaiser | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:50

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! The talk is about the power of personalization in the digital experience age. Moreover, I’ll share four pillars of digital customer experience optimization and how to make experience optimization with modern tech stack. I will also cover the importance of composable / MACH architectures, why the need of first-party data, latency / performance, unified customer profiles, and structured content to make personalization at scale a success including real use cases.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

The talk is about the power of personalization in the digital experience age. Moreover, I’ll share four pillars of digital customer experience optimization and how to make experience optimization with modern tech stack. I will also cover the importance of composable / MACH architectures, why the need of first-party data, latency / performance, unified customer profiles, and structured content to make personalization at scale a success including real use cases.

[ENG] Alessio LaisoRebel against the bland: moving toward more personable designs | Alessio Laiso | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:44

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! Design systems have become a staple of product design, and product designers have increasingly become systems thinkers. While a systems-led approach can simplify the design process and improve collaboration, it often leads to a decrease in personality of the products we build. Curiosity and exploration get tucked away in favour of a lazier approach, and detaching a Figma component feels like an act of rebellion. This talk explores the challenges of designing products that are not only functional but also both cohesive and unique, with real life examples from companies like Hotjar as well as design students. We will talk about embracing possibilities, and emphasize the importance of learning the rules to then break them.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! Design systems have become a staple of product design, and product designers have increasingly become systems thinkers. While a systems-led approach can simplify the design process and improve collaboration, it often leads to a decrease in personality of the products we build. Curiosity and exploration get tucked away in favour of a lazier approach, and detaching a Figma component feels like an act of rebellion. This talk explores the challenges of designing products that are not only functional but also both cohesive and unique, with real life examples from companies like Hotjar as well as design students. We will talk about embracing possibilities, and emphasize the importance of learning the rules to then break them.

[ENG] Walking the fine line between intuition and insight | Adam Karpisz | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:35

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! A quick exploration into the delicate balance between relying on instinctive understanding (intuition) and gathering deep understanding through analysis and observation (insight) in digital product design. In our industry, the allure of the "design process" is undeniable. For every problem, question, quandary or goal, there seems to be a ready out-of-the-box framework, model or procedure. We gladly workshop any idea until we're absolutely sure it's perfect, until everyone put their two cents in. Guided by the elegance of statistics and metrics, we move forward towards final designs only when we’re certain of success. Outside of big corporations and big budgets, among startups, grassroots initiatives, it doesn’t work that way. More often than not, there isn't time to go through a proper design process, data available is either scarce, old, unusable or just non-existent. Research is whatever we can do during our lunch break. Budgets don't include testing. And yet, we create. How to walk that thin line between being a craftsman and an artist? When to dig for data and when to trust your gut? Learn from my mistakes.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

A quick exploration into the delicate balance between relying on instinctive understanding (intuition) and gathering deep understanding through analysis and observation (insight) in digital product design.

In our industry, the allure of the "design process" is undeniable. For every problem, question, quandary or goal, there seems to be a ready out-of-the-box framework, model or procedure. We gladly workshop any idea until we're absolutely sure it's perfect, until everyone put their two cents in. Guided by the elegance of statistics and metrics, we move forward towards final designs only when we’re certain of success.

Outside of big corporations and big budgets, among startups, grassroots initiatives, it doesn’t work that way. More often than not, there isn't time to go through a proper design process, data available is either scarce, old, unusable or just non-existent. Research is whatever we can do during our lunch break. Budgets don't include testing. And yet, we create.

How to walk that thin line between being a craftsman and an artist? When to dig for data and when to trust your gut? Learn from my mistakes.

[ENG] How to measure the adoption and success of Figma components | Zelenska & Grzegorzak | WaysConf 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:29

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! Design system analytics: How to measure the adoption and success of Figma components. Wondering how to use data provided by Figma to measure current state of your designs and lead to better success? How to create KPIs out of component properties? How to make Figma component library analytics helpful in your design work? We did! Now, we can share with you how we, members of the Infor Design System team, experimented with the Figma metrics to audit and improve our design components library. Two case studies will demonstrate how we helped improve the success of our design system by translating component properties into KPI to inform design changes and by manipulating Figma analytics to better understand the adoption and usage of components. No additional plugins were created this work, so any designer who uses Figma can implement similar analytics practices into their workflows to improve their outcomes.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

Design system analytics: How to measure the adoption and success of Figma components.

Wondering how to use data provided by Figma to measure current state of your designs and lead to better success? How to create KPIs out of component properties? How to make Figma component library analytics helpful in your design work?

We did! Now, we can share with you how we, members of the Infor Design System team, experimented with the Figma metrics to audit and improve our design components library.

Two case studies will demonstrate how we helped improve the success of our design system by translating component properties into KPI to inform design changes and by manipulating Figma analytics to better understand the adoption and usage of components.

No additional plugins were created this work, so any designer who uses Figma can implement similar analytics practices into their workflows to improve their outcomes.

[ENG] Digital ecology: Do websites contribute to global warming? | Julia Ziebinska | WaysCon 2023
2024-02-01 17:07:20

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us! Have you ever thought about the impact of your online activities on the environment? Do you know the term digital ecology? Join my talk to get familiar with tips and tricks everyone can implement to act more sustainably online. In the keynote, I am going to talk mainly about websites. Do you know how much CO2 an average website produces? I want to show you how to check the carbon footprint of your website and how to easily improve the result by introducing simple changes. I develop a tool called ec0lint, which can help you in creating more sustainable websites.

WaysConf 2024 coming soon! Don't miss anything and follow us!

Have you ever thought about the impact of your online activities on the environment? Do you know the term digital ecology? Join my talk to get familiar with tips and tricks everyone can implement to act more sustainably online.

In the keynote, I am going to talk mainly about websites. Do you know how much CO2 an average website produces? I want to show you how to check the carbon footprint of your website and how to easily improve the result by introducing simple changes. I develop a tool called ec0lint, which can help you in creating more sustainable websites.

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